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"Navigating the Maze of Digital Tools and Services" - May 2021


Date: 20 May 2021


The global shift to distance and online learning in response to COVID-19 has accelerated the need to develop solutions at the TVET provider level and share good practices and guidelines pertaining to choosing digital services and tools. During the ongoing crisis, digital solutions have become a necessity, offering teachers the means to connect within their organization, and with students and social partners. At the organizational level, digital ecosystems have suddenly flourished and become a lifeline, enabling learning to continue. 

Yet, many aspects must be considered when choosing a digital approach: connectivity and device-related limitations, diversity of users and their digital competence, desired pedagogical approaches, readiness and availability of support services, budgetary concerns, and possible rules and regulations pertaining to storage of data and privacy. For digitalization to be successful, it is important to understand different perspectives: management, IT support and TVET teachers. What might be the ideal solution from a certain perspective, might not work on an institutional level.

This webinar will showcase different types of approaches and solutions and will address decisions on institutional services, such as learning management systems, as well as collaboration tools that can improve the quality of teaching and learning. The webinar will also showcase a model where students are involved in offering digital support services.

To watch the webinar, click here.

"The Future of Work in Africa" (eLearning Africa) - May 2021

From Adopting Emerging Digital Technologies to Providing Graduates with the Skills They Need to Survive in the Digital Workplace

Organizer: eLearning Africa

Date: 6 May 2021 


This Forum has been organized by eLearning Africa, a global network of professionals working in the field of ICT supported education and training, to discuss a wide range of issues including:

  • How universities and businesses in Africa are adopting emerging digital technologies and innovative processes;
  • How the overall skills requirement from employers in Africa is changing due to the use of new technologies;
  • How universities in Africa are keeping pace with the constant change in digital trends, and providing their students with the emerging skills they need to thrive in the digital workplace.

To watch the webinar, click here and enter the following username: 7IRtnca !.

"Social Aspects of Digital Learning in TVET" (UNESCO/UNEVOC) - April 2021


Date: 22 April 2021


This webinar focuses on the social aspects of digital learning: how to design engaging learning paths, acknowledging and supporting students with special needs, harnessing the power of peer support, and decreasing the level of stress and anxiety among teachers and students.

The webinar also provides insight regarding TVET students: how students have coped during remote learning, what arrangements have actually enhanced learning, and the kind of extra support special needs students might benefit from when engaging in online activities.

To watch the webinar, click here.

"Teaching practical skills online – how far can you go?" (S4YE) - April 2021

Organizer: Solutions for Youth Employment

Date: 13 April 2021


This webinar is part of S4YE’s ongoing learning series that supports youth employment practitioners to share practical insights and learn from one another. 

This webinar shares COL’s experiences thus far, including:

  • The opportunity to innovate to overcome existing TVET challenges building on decades of experience in Australasia, Africa and Asia;
  • COL’s model of online plus workplace learning;
  • Lessons from projects that worked on teaching practical skills in trades like construction, woodworking and cell phone repair in Nigeria, Zambia and Tuvalu.

To watch the webinar, click here.

"Digital Competence and the Future of Work - Pathways for TVET Institutions" (UNESCO/UNEVOC) - March 2021


Date: 18 March 2021


The COVID-19 crisis has amplified the pace at which the world is migrating towards a digital economy. It has become apparent that sufficient digital skills are part of a core skillset essential both within TVET institutions as well as the future workforce.

During this webinar, panelists will be discussing how TVET needs to evolve to keep up with industry relevant digital technology (e.g. 3 D printing, AI, robotics) and support students through distance learning opportunities.

To watch the webinar, click here.