Category Archives: Equality

Supporting vulnerable adolescent girls to continue their education should be prioritised in recovery plans for COVID-19

By Kath Ford, Young Lives Substantial progress has been made in educating girls and young women in low- and middle-income countries over the last few decades.  The 2020 GEM Gender Report estimated that 180 million more girls have enrolled in … Continue reading

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Armenia aims for inclusive education for all children with disabilities by 2025

In Armenia, historically, children with disabilities and special educational needs were often excluded from mainstream education. Negative attitudes towards disability, combined with feelings of shame, led large numbers of children to be sent to special boarding schools, particularly in rural areas. … Continue reading

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Could this be the most inclusive school in the world?

‘Every child is unique and their learning path differs. We’re all unique, including children. Some need more support and attention. This school provides it’, says Tiina Keskula, a parent of a child in Pärnu Kuninga Tänava Põhikool, Estonia. Out of … Continue reading

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Breaking down institutionalisation for marginalised children in the Republic of Moldova

In 2005, every day one child under the age of seven was abandoned in an institution in Moldova according to UNICEF. Disturbingly, nine out of ten of these children who were abandoned were not orphans but had living parents. Poverty and … Continue reading

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Centuries of discrimination still run deep for Roma in Europe

By Manos Antoninis, director Global Education Monitoring Report In the Roma settlement of Obiliq, on the outskirts of Pristina in Kosovo, people have little access to basic amenities like electricity and running water. Since the pandemic hit, schools have closed their … Continue reading

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Despite progress, segregated education persists in Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia

English / Español Today, the regional edition of the GEM Report on inclusion and education in Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia has been released in Russian, with an executive summary version produced in almost 30 regional … Continue reading

Posted in Equality, Inclusion, Out-of-school children, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

‘Don’t say gay’ is gaining traction yet again in the United States

By Manos Antoninis, Director, Global Education Monitoring Report 2021 is set to “become the worst year for state legislative attacks against LGBTQ people in history,” said Alphonso David, president of the Human Rights Campaign in the United States. Our new … Continue reading

Posted in Equality, Gender, Inclusion, Legislation, LGBT, LGBTI, sexuality education | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Female science and mathematics teachers: Better than they think?

By Dirk Hastedt (International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement), Justine Sass (UNESCO) and Matthias Eck (UNESCO) 🔊 Listen to this blog More urgently than ever before, more girls and women are needed in science, technology, engineering and mathematics … Continue reading

Posted in Equality, Gender, ICT, STEM, Teachers | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

We are proud of the first ever policy on inclusive education in Sierra Leone: the National Policy on Radical Inclusion in Schools

🔊 Listen to this blog By Dr David Moinina Sengeh, Minister of Basic and Senior Secondary Education of Sierra Leone and Chair of the Advisory Board for the GEM Report I became the Minister of Basic and Senior Secondary Education of Sierra … Continue reading

Posted in Africa, Equality, Inclusion, Out-of-school children | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

In which countries do children attend single-sex schools?

🔊 Listen to this blog While enrolment rates disaggregated by sex might be easy to find, comparative cross-country data on how many children are in single-sex schools are scarce. As another International Women’s Day passes us by, it seems fitting … Continue reading

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