Tag Archives: financing

How will countries make up for lost learning during the pandemic?

🔊 Listen to this blog As one lockdown week morphs into another, the learning of millions of students continues to be disrupted. UNESCO figures show, on average, two-thirds of an academic year has been lost worldwide due to COVID-19 school closures. The learning loss is enormous. The … Continue reading

Posted in curriculum, Finance, Learning, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Gender bias can be seen in the way families spend their money on education

🔊 Listen to this blog The black box of who controls and who decides how a family’s monetary and other resources will be spent has long intrigued social scientists. Gender bias in such decisions can negatively affect spending on health … Continue reading

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Two-thirds of poorer countries are cutting education budgets due to COVID-19

Read in Spanish Education budgets are not adjusting proportionately to the challenges brought about by COVID-19, especially in poorer countries.  Despite additional funding needs, two-thirds of low- and lower-middle-income countries have, in fact, cut their public education budgets since the … Continue reading

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COVID-19 has prompted countries to adjust and rethink financing for equity in education

It has become commonplace to acknowledge that the COVID-19 pandemic has widened the inequalities that pre-existed in education systems and has opened new rifts. We also know that education may be increasingly capturing the media headlines but not finance ministers’ … Continue reading

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Time to roll out education’s recovery package

By Stefania Giannini, Assistant Director-General for Education, UNESCO Humanity likes clear cut resolutions to crises and flees uncertainty. As the new year begins, the world has neither – the pandemic is resurging, vaccination campaigns are still in their infancy, and … Continue reading

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Unlocking financing for equity in education

Read in Spanish SDG 4 includes neither a target nor a global indicator on the level of education financing. Yet, if countries are to achieve the goal of ‘inclusive and equitable’ education by 2030, they need to spend their budgets, … Continue reading

Posted in Equity, Finance, Innovative financing | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments

COVID-19 poised to set aid to education back by six years

English / Español A new GEM Report policy paper released today shows that total aid to education reached its highest ever levels in 2018, the latest available year. However, it estimates that global aid is likely to decline by up … Continue reading

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What are the financial implications of the coronavirus for education?

How long is a piece of string? You might be asking, looking at the question this blog is asking. And to some extent, you’d be right. In these early days of the outbreak, it is as yet unknown how long … Continue reading

Posted in Economic growth, Finance, Out-of-school children, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Private sector participation in education: where it occurs, and why

By Antoni Verger, Adrián Zancajo, Clara Fontdevila The privatization of basic education is a global phenomenon, growing in all corners of the world. As a pre-cursor to a larger discussion on this issue to be featured in the 2021 GEM … Continue reading

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New Financing for Sustainable Development Report argues “action is needed at all levels” including on education

The 2019 Financing for Sustainable Development Report (FSDR) of the Inter-agency Task Force, whose fourth edition was released today, reviews the global financing landscape to make recommendations for governments. It puts special emphasis on the five Sustainable Development Goals under … Continue reading

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