Category Archives: privatisation

Join our cartoon competition on school choice launched in partnership with the Cartoon Movement

This year, for the first time ever, the GEM Report is launching a cartoon competition in partnership with the Cartoon Movement, a global platform for editorial cartoons and comics journalism with a community of over 500 cartoonists in more than 80 … Continue reading

Posted in Non-state actors, private schools, private sector, privatisation, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

New GEM Report photo contest on non-state actors in education

Every year, the GEM Report holds an international photo contest to seek out new and original images to complement its innovative findings and analysis. Last year’s winner, Robert Lamu, addressed the exclusion often faced by learners with Albinism. Before that, Domyson … Continue reading

Posted in Non-state actors, private schools, private sector, privatisation, Report | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Re-building resilient education systems: three lessons on the privatisation of education emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic

English / Español By members of the Privatisation in Education and Human Rights Consortium It is well-known that the disruptions to education due to COVID-19 are enormous. In order to understand the full effects of the pandemic, members of the … Continue reading

Posted in Non-state actors, private schools, private sector, privatisation | Tagged , , , | 5 Comments

Rethinking non-state engagement in education

By Dr. Prachi Srivastava, Associate Professor, University of Western Ontario, author of the Think Piece prepared for the 2021 GEM Report on non-state actors in education. As previous recent blogs on this site have illustrated, non-state actors have long operated … Continue reading

Posted in Non-state actors, private schools, private sector, privatisation, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

What you told us in the online consultation for the 2021 GEM Report on non-state actors

The 2021 GEM Report will focus on the many ways in which non-state actors are involved in education systems. It will discuss the state role in the process (regulatory frameworks, accountability mechanisms) and reflect on the most recent developments in … Continue reading

Posted in private schools, private sector, privatisation, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Are private actors the solution to achieve SDG 4?

By Dr. Maria Ron Balsera, ActionAid SDG 4 aims to ‘ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all’, with the leading principle of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to ‘leave no one behind’. Yet, … Continue reading

Posted in private schools, private sector, privatisation, right to education, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

Private sector participation in education: where it occurs, and why

By Antoni Verger, Adrián Zancajo, Clara Fontdevila The privatization of basic education is a global phenomenon, growing in all corners of the world. As a pre-cursor to a larger discussion on this issue to be featured in the 2021 GEM … Continue reading

Posted in Finance, private schools, private sector, privatisation, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Private supplementary tutoring: a global phenomenon with far-reaching implications 

By Mark Bray, Centre for International Research in Supplementary Tutoring (CIRIST), Faculty of Education, East China Normal University, and UNESCO Chair in Comparative Education, The University of Hong Kong. The GEM Report team is much to be applauded for focusing … Continue reading

Posted in accountability, Non-state actors, private sector, privatisation, Quality of education, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

The consequences – and causes – of private school growth: a look at Nepal

This blog by Priyadarshani Joshi, Senior Analyst, Global Education Monitoring Report, is the first of a series of blogs in the run up to the 2021 GEM Report on non-state actors in education Few issues have garnered as much policy … Continue reading

Posted in private schools, private sector, privatisation, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

Join the consultation on the 2021 GEM Report on non-state actors in education

We are extending the online consultation and expressions of interest for the 2021 GEM Report on non-state actors in education. The concept note for the Report is now available in English/ Français / Español  and Русский. Chinese and Arabic will follow soon. Your views … Continue reading

Posted in Non-state actors, private schools, private sector, privatisation, Report, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment