Category Archives: Quality of education

There is wide disparity in teachers’ working hours

Read in Spanish Well before COVID-19 started blurring the boundaries between work and home life for teachers, with new hybrid ways of teaching putting extra pressures, the Education 2030 Framework for Action had recognized teachers’ right to decent working conditions. … Continue reading

Posted in Quality of education, Teachers, teaching, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments

The world post-Covid-19 might be the world pre-Incheon – or even pre-Dakar

English / Español By Sheldon Shaeffer, Chair, Board of Directors, Asia=Pacific Regional Network on Early Childhood (ARNEC) Post-Covid-19, the world will not be the same for a very long time. Life may be so different that there might not even … Continue reading

Posted in access, Basic education, Early childhood care and education, Health, Inclusion, Quality of education, sdgs | Tagged , | 5 Comments

Private supplementary tutoring: a global phenomenon with far-reaching implications 

By Mark Bray, Centre for International Research in Supplementary Tutoring (CIRIST), Faculty of Education, East China Normal University, and UNESCO Chair in Comparative Education, The University of Hong Kong. The GEM Report team is much to be applauded for focusing … Continue reading

Posted in accountability, Non-state actors, private sector, privatisation, Quality of education, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Education Progress – the GEM Report’s new online interactive tool exploring progress made towards SDG 4

To mark International Education Day, the Global Education Monitoring Report has launched a new online interactive tool, Education Progress. Available in seven major languages, the site brings together data from various producers, notably the UNESCO Institute for Statistics, to explore … Continue reading

Posted in access, data, Equality, Equity, Finance, Learning, monitoring, Quality of education, sdg, sdgs, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , | 3 Comments

‘A good education can change anyone. A good teacher can change anything’

This cliché emblazoned on chipped mugs in school staff rooms all over the world is impossible to refute. We all know teachers have the power to transform both individual lives, and the fortunes of nations. And, as the theme of … Continue reading

Posted in pedagogy, Quality of education, refugees, Teachers, teaching, Uncategorized | Tagged , , | 11 Comments

Learning to realize education’s promise – a look at the 2018 WDR

For the first time in forty years, the World Bank’s World Development Report (WDR), released on Tuesday, focuses exclusively on education. We are pleased to see its core messages resonating so well with our past reports, especially the 2013/4 EFA … Continue reading

Posted in accountability, Africa, Basic education, Learning, Literacy, Quality of education, Teachers, teaching, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Partnerships with non-state providers need to be approached with caution

By Alina Lipcan and Ian MacAuslan Low levels of learning globally make for one of the most sobering statistics in education. In 12 out of 13 countries in South-Eastern Africa, fewer than 40% of students had mastered basic numeracy and basic … Continue reading

Posted in accountability, Africa, Basic education, private schools, private sector, privatisation, Quality of education, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

It’s a little bit early to celebrate International Literacy Day

We have now officially moved from talking about whether someone is ‘literate’ or not, to discussing how proficient their literacy skills are.  This is a significant step forward, which we should celebrate today – International Literacy Day. But we don’t yet … Continue reading

Posted in Adult education, Equity, Learning, Literacy, Marginalization, Quality of education, Sustainable development, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Is overeducation a threat in Latin America?

Dr. Raul Ramos is Associate Professor in Applied Economics and Researcher at the Grup d’Anàlisi Quantitativa Regional, University of Barcelona, Spain. Fortunately, differences between countries with regard to the education levels of their population continues to decline very markedly. According … Continue reading

Posted in Employment, Learning, Quality of education, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments

When is state funding of private schools a violation of human rights?

By Sylvain Aubry, Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights The announcement at the beginning of the year by the Ministry of Education of Liberia of its intention to outsource the management of all its pre-primary and primary schools … Continue reading

Posted in Equality, Finance, Human rights, private schools, private sector, Quality of education, Uncategorized | Tagged , , | 1 Comment