Open Access to Groundwater Governance Training in the Arabic Language
The UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science for the Arab States is pleased to announce the open-access availability of training material from the Virtual Regional Workshop on Groundwater Governance in the Arab Region taken place in
24th, 25th, 26th, 27th May, and 3rd June, 2021 and delivered in the Arabic Language.
The materials encompass both documents and visual files (e.g., power points and training sessions videos), which can be downloaded or examined online. The documents include the regional groundwater governance diagnostic report for the Arab states, the Groundwater Governance Global Framework for Action (2016), and the Shared Vision for Groundwater Governance 2030. The latter two documents are available in English, French and Arabic translation of both. The material also include a trainer guideline.
The training focused on supporting the implementation of the Arab Ministerial Council’s Arab Strategy for Water Security within the ‘‘Groundwater Governance - A Global Framework for Action”. The virtual training workshop was organized by the UNESCO Regional Bureau for Sciences in the Arab States to support groundwater resources managers at the Ministries of Water and Agriculture (national and sub-national), aquifer managers, and staff engaged in the development and implementation of IWRM plans.
95 Arab water-professionals representing 15 Arab Member States (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen) participated in the training sessions. The last session held on June 3rd, 2021, was dedicated to presentation and discussion of action plans developed by teams of training participants towards the galvanization of groundwater governance in their countries. Discussants include Dr. Wlaeed Zubari from the Arabian Gulf University and Dr. Hammou Laamrani from the secretariat of the Arab Ministerial Council and the Trainer, Dr. Ali Karnib from the Lebanese University.
The training is part of the UNESCO’s support of human and institutional capacity at local and national level towards realizing a vision of sustainable use of groundwater resources, especially as the water-scarce Arab countries face compounded, and seemingly unsurmountable challenges of climate change impacts, population growth, increasing demand, and continuing degradation of groundwater resources. Urgent, regionally coordinated action is needed to promote the development of local and national capacities in groundwater monitoring, analysis, management, and governance and to mainstream such development within national SDG efforts.
To access the “open access” material please visit the following UNESCO website,
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