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Recognizing the importance of music in connecting people and empowering communities, Vranje (Serbia), a UNESCO Creative City of Music since 2019, will host the event "May the month of music” from 10 to 31May. Organized by the Music School "Stevan Mokranjac" with the financial support of the Municipality of Vranje and the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia, the event aims to allow the sharing of experiences and knowledge related to the field of classical music. Highlighting music’s powerful educational...
Using music as a medium of exchange, the UNESCO Creative Cities of Music, Llíria (Spain) and Vranje (Serbia) organized a collaborative musical event to share experiences and strengthen cooperation. As part of this joint event, the city of Vranje, in collaboration with the Stevan Mokranjac School of Music, welcomed the renowned classical music guitarist Rafael Serrallet, who is also a conservatory professor from Llíria. The main highlight of the event was the classical guitar concert held in the city’s theater Bora Stankovic featuring works...