Tag Archives: equality

Supporting vulnerable adolescent girls to continue their education should be prioritised in recovery plans for COVID-19

By Kath Ford, Young Lives Substantial progress has been made in educating girls and young women in low- and middle-income countries over the last few decades.  The 2020 GEM Gender Report estimated that 180 million more girls have enrolled in … Continue reading

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Centuries of discrimination still run deep for Roma in Europe

By Manos Antoninis, director Global Education Monitoring Report In the Roma settlement of Obiliq, on the outskirts of Pristina in Kosovo, people have little access to basic amenities like electricity and running water. Since the pandemic hit, schools have closed their … Continue reading

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Despite progress, segregated education persists in Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia

English / Español Today, the regional edition of the GEM Report on inclusion and education in Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia has been released in Russian, with an executive summary version produced in almost 30 regional … Continue reading

Posted in Equality, Inclusion, Out-of-school children, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

Drawing links between economic status and education outcomes from ASER 2019

By M. Afzan Munir Economic well-being affects a child’s education achievement in multiple ways. Studies have shown that a family’s socioeconomic status positively contributes not only towards a child’s educational attainment, but towards their academic performance as well.  ASER Pakistan … Continue reading

Posted in Equality, Equity, Finance, Inclusion, Non-state actors, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Making evaluations work for education equality and inclusion

By Karen Mundy, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education International organizations typically have well-developed evaluation units, generating large volumes of evidence about their policies, programs and practices. Yet, while synthesis of evidence on international education development has evolved considerably in … Continue reading

Posted in Gender, Inclusion, monitoring, sdgs, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

Learning InEquality: An equality law approach to Education for All

Camilla Alonzo, Legal and Programmes Officer, Equal Rights Trust, an independent international organisation whose objective is to combat discrimination and advance equality as a fundamental human rights and a basic principle of social justice The statistics regarding the number of … Continue reading

Posted in Equality, Inclusion, right to education, Sustainable development, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Highlights from the 2018 Gender Review launch in New York

“Young women aren’t the changemakers of the future, they are the here and now” said GenUN Fellow, Rabita Tareque to a room of civil society representatives, teachers, policy makers, academics and donors at Thursday’s global launch of the Global Education … Continue reading

Posted in accountability, Equality, Equity, Gender, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

Having a disability shouldn’t affect your access to education

Everyone has the right to education but for some people accessing this education is far harder than it should be. Marking December 3, which is the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, we are focusing on some of the barriers … Continue reading

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Who is responsible for ensuring gender equality in education?

Problems require solutions, which requires knowing who is responsible for fixing them, and having clear steps to address the issue. This is the meaning of accountability. A longstanding issue like gender inequality, therefore, is one for which accountability is clearly … Continue reading

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Peru has a new ‘rose-tinted’ curriculum

The UN congratulated Peru last week for its new education curriculum, in effect since the 1st January this year, which aims to improve gender equality. The change has been long needed,  as is the case for many other countries in … Continue reading

Posted in curriculum, Gender, Latin America, parity, pedagogy, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment