Category Archives: sexuality education

‘Don’t say gay’ is gaining traction yet again in the United States

By Manos Antoninis, Director, Global Education Monitoring Report 2021 is set to “become the worst year for state legislative attacks against LGBTQ people in history,” said Alphonso David, president of the Human Rights Campaign in the United States. Our new … Continue reading

Posted in Equality, Gender, Inclusion, Legislation, LGBT, LGBTI, sexuality education | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

What role can schools play to end violence and sexual harassment?

🔊 Listen to this blog By Manos Antoninis Effective sex education programmes can help combat sexual violence in school and in society. When will it be safe for a woman to walk herself home at night without the threat of … Continue reading

Posted in Gender, school violence, Sexual violence, sexuality education, SRGBV, Uncategorized, violence | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Want your Digital Health Education Program to Work? Hire a Youth Designer 

By Mireille Sekamana, a junior designer from Kigali, Rwanda. She works with YLabs to design digital platforms that provide health education to empower young people in Rwanda. Mireille is taking part in the Switched On Symposium in Istanbul, Turkey, 19-21 … Continue reading

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If we do not provide young people with quality sexuality education, the digital world will  

By: Joanna Herat, senior programme specialist for health and education at UNESCO, with expertise in comprehensive sexuality education, HIV, and school-related gender-based violence. Joanna is leading the team organizing the Switched On Symposium in Istanbul, Turkey, 19-21 February 2020, around … Continue reading

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Pregnant girls must be supported in attending school

In October, Sierra Leone’s government issued a clarification to its 2015 policy that barred pregnant girls from attending school. Sadly, the clarification only reaffirms the government’s position. Based on erroneous perceptions that ‘pregnant girls have the potential to negatively influence … Continue reading

Posted in Gender, sexuality education, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Five steps to stamp out gender inequality in education

The new Gender GEM Report released today at the G7 France – UNESCO International Conference shows that equal numbers of boys and girls are still not enrolled in a third of countries in primary, half in lower secondary, and three … Continue reading

Posted in child marriage, Donors, Equality, Equity, Gender, Inclusion, parity, sexuality education, SRGBV, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

“If comprehensive sexuality education can happen in Pakistan, it can happen everywhere.”

By Aisha Ijaz, Aahung, Pakistan I work on reproductive health for an organization called Aahung in Pakistan. For over 20 years now, we have been developing and advocating around comprehensive sexuality education, or, as it is called here, Life Skills … Continue reading

Posted in Gender, Sexual violence, sexuality education, Uncategorized | Tagged , | 1 Comment

#FaceTheFacts: It’s time to bust the myths on comprehensive sexuality education

Comprehensive sexuality education is an essential part of a good quality education that improves sexual and reproductive health, argues Facing the Facts, our newest policy paper out today jointly with UNESCO. Released at the Women Deliver Conference during an event … Continue reading

Posted in Gender, Health, HIV/AIDS, Reproductive health, sexuality education, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments

Tanzania has suspended family planning commercials in the country ‘with immediate effect’

At the end of September, the government of the United Republic of Tanzania announced to international agencies that they should “stop with immediate effect airing and publishing any family planning contents in any media channels” running any family planning content … Continue reading

Posted in Gender, Health, sexuality education, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , | 3 Comments

Comprehensive sexuality education and the global vision for the education agenda

By Sanet L. Steenkamp, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture, Namibia The core responsibility of education systems is imparting the fundamental building blocks of learning, namely the ‘3 R’s: reading, writing and arithmetic. Yet national education authorities are … Continue reading

Posted in Health, Reproductive health, sdgs, sexuality education, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments