Tag Archives: target 4.2

Inclusion in early education in Singapore: towards more equitable foundations

🔊 Listen to this blog Just last month the Singapore Government made a welcome announcement. From the second half of 2023, all pre-schools will have an inclusion coordinator.  This new role in schools will identify and provide support for children with developmental needs from … Continue reading

Posted in disability, Early childhood care and education, Equity, Inclusion | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

Building the Foundations: Highlights from ASER 2019 Early Years report

By Hannah-May Wilson, Education Partnerships Group For the last fifteen years, Pratham’s Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) has provided an important and timely reminder that schooling does not equal learning. There is now wide acceptance that – despite spending … Continue reading

Posted in Early childhood care and education, Learning, Literacy, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments

Aid to pre-primary education: the gap between rhetoric and reality

By Professor Pauline Rose, Research for Equitable Access and Learning (REAL) Centre, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge Many donors increasingly voice their recognition of the importance of pre-primary education in their education policy, but few are matching their public … Continue reading

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Morocco aims to reach 100% enrolment in pre-primary education in ten years’ time

Launched last week in Skhirat, Morocco, on the national day for pre-primary education, the Minister of Education, Said Amzazi, described a new national programme that aims to have 67% enrolment in early childhood education by 2021 and every single child … Continue reading

Posted in Basic education, Early childhood care and education, Out-of-school children, Pre-primary education, rural development, Uncategorized | Tagged , | 2 Comments

More than just symbolism? France makes pre-primary school compulsory from age 3

President Macron of France announced yesterday that, as of 2019, school will be compulsory in the country for all children from age 3, making France the country with the lowest compulsory age of education in the European Union.  Apart from … Continue reading

Posted in Pre-primary education, sdg, sdgs, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments

Corporations in education: Too big to hold accountable?

Large corporations are increasingly involved in the education sector, through investments in technology, private schools and higher education institutions. Pearson is the world’s largest education company, operating in over 70 countries. Its near global monopoly raises questions about who has … Continue reading

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Costa Rica joins the ranks of the few making pre-primary education compulsory for two years

This month, for the first time, it will be mandatory for children in Costa Rica to complete two years of pre-primary education before going to primary school. This is in line with the call in Target 4.2 of the SDG … Continue reading

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The urgent need for investment in pre-primary education

By Pauline Rose and Ben Hewitt A child’s most important steps happen before they set foot in a primary school. Early childhood, from birth to age five, is the most critical developmental stage in a person’s life. By their fifth … Continue reading

Posted in Early childhood care and education, Pre-primary education, sdg, sdgs, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments

Time to deliver: governments must make good on their commitments and Stand Up for Education

Global Action Week for Education, 23-29 April 2017 By Camilla Croso, President, Global Campaign for Education In 2015, the world committed to a Sustainable Development Goal to achieve equitable, inclusive and free quality education and lifelong learning for all. This … Continue reading

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Still learning about early learning in Ethiopia

By Jack Rossiter, Young Lives, Ethiopia The potential of O-Class in Ethiopia In 2017, the research study I work for, Young Lives, released its first early learning publication: Scaling up Early Learning in Ethiopia: Exploring the Potential of O-Class [O-Class … Continue reading

Posted in Early childhood care and education, Pre-primary education, sdg, sdgs, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments