What do you wish for the education of the next generation of girls?

survey 22020 is a pivotal year as the global community will mark the 25th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (Beijing+25). The Beijing Declaration is considered as the key global policy document on gender equality and the most ambitious roadmap for the empowerment of girls and women everywhere.

To mark the occasion, as previous blogs have discussed, we have produced a joint fact sheet with UNESCO on gender equality in education with the latest facts and stats. It includes information on the bottom ten countries for girls’ education extracted from our WIDE database, (managed jointly with UIS). It supports UNESCO’s initiative, Her education, our future, calling for accelerated collective action in favour of girls’ and women’s education.

In an effort to raise the profile of girls’ education in this context, we have launched a joint campaign with multiple education advocates asking girls and women everywhere what they wish for the education of the next generation of girls over the next 25 years.

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We are asking this question and two others in a new online survey.

We will include some of your responses in the next printed version of the GEM 2020 Gender Report being launched this September at the United Nations General Assembly.

We will also add your opinions to our recommendations to policy makers as they meet this summer to help carve out a new political declaration on gender equality for the next 25 years.

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Take part in the campaign and share your thoughts.

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1 Response to What do you wish for the education of the next generation of girls?

  1. Pingback: What do you wish for the education of the next generation of girls? — World Education Blog – MICHAEL OWUSU

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