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Coordinateur national de Kazakhstan
Mr Leonid KIM
ASPnet National Coordinator International school-lyceum "Dostar"
159, Abai av.
050009 Almaty City
(+7) 727 3929095/97; mob.:(+7) 701 7999838
(+ 7) 727 3929098
Version : 96864.0
Créé le 09/11/2017 17:06 par System Account
Dernière modification le 20/10/2020 17:19 par SA_SP2013DEV_ADMIN
Ecoles dans ce pays
Secondary School in Kazahkstan
Al-Farabi specialized gymnasium for gifted children with teaching in three languages
Secondary School № 145
U. Zhandosov Gymnasium № 105
“BEST” School
Gymnasium № 35
School N° 124
School- Gymnasium № 8
Learning Teaching Laboratory Dialogue
Scool-gymnasium № 3
B. Atykhanuly Gymnasium № 36
Gymnasium Arman
Medical Health Improving Educational Centre Daulet
Private School Extern
Gymnasium № 8
School-lyceum № 35
B.Momyshuly School-lyceum № 131
Secondary School #73
Vocational & Technical School #10
Lyceum № 165
Teachers' Training Laboratory Dialogue
Miras International School
International school-lyceum “Dostar”
Secondary School #15
Gymnasium #12
The Complex of Education & Upbringing “Arman”
The UNESCO Associated school at KAU (Kazakh-American University)
Secondary SchoolL #32
Secondary School-Gymnasium
Miras International School
Communal State Establishment “Educational School No 3”
School-gymnasium No 17
Zeynep School
School 'Zeinep'
Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Chemistry and Biology
School № 3
A. Kurmanov School-gymnasium № 17
Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Chemestry and Biology
International School of Almaty
Private General School “Nemere”
School-gymnasium No 153 named after Abdulla Rozibakiyev
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