Tag Archives: Bridge Academy

Using international accountability mechanisms: A test case for private education in Kenya

By Linda Oduor-Noah, a project manager at The East African Centre for Human Rights (EACHRights) on behalf of nine complainants who submitted a complaint through the complaint mechanism of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) in April 2018. EACHRights is a … Continue reading

Posted in accountability, private schools, private sector, privatisation, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

Liberia’s children deserve the best education

By: Dr. Saaim W. Naame, Dean of Education at the University of Liberia. Over the last twenty years, the people of Africa’s first modern republic, Liberia, have been through two civil wars and a major virus epidemic. The wars caused … Continue reading

Posted in accountability, Africa, Equality, Equity, Primary school, private schools, private sector, privatisation, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Partnerships with non-state providers need to be approached with caution

By Alina Lipcan and Ian MacAuslan Low levels of learning globally make for one of the most sobering statistics in education. In 12 out of 13 countries in South-Eastern Africa, fewer than 40% of students had mastered basic numeracy and basic … Continue reading

Posted in accountability, Africa, Basic education, private schools, private sector, privatisation, Quality of education, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

In Liberia, a town struggles to adjust to its new charter school

By Ashoka Mukpo, journalist When the community of Kollita Wolah built their schoolhouse in 1989, it was a proud moment. Located a few kilometers to the north of Gbarnga, a bustling hub city in central Liberia, residents of the town … Continue reading

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