Category Archives: violence

What role can schools play to end violence and sexual harassment?

🔊 Listen to this blog By Manos Antoninis Effective sex education programmes can help combat sexual violence in school and in society. When will it be safe for a woman to walk herself home at night without the threat of … Continue reading

Posted in Gender, school violence, Sexual violence, sexuality education, SRGBV, Uncategorized, violence | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Accelerating the universal prohibition of corporal punishment in educational settings

Physical violence or the prospect of it affects children in every country, community and culture around the world. Sadly, much of that violence occurs in educational settings at the hands of teachers and caregivers. Continue reading

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School-related gender-based violence impedes inclusive education of good quality

English / Español By Constanza Ginestra, Nicole Bella and Matthias Eck in the GEM Report team Today we celebrate the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against women, something which also takes place in educational settings. Today is also the start … Continue reading

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Now more than ever we need to talk about inclusion in schools

English / Español No teacher should have to pay with their life for carrying out their job. The horrifically violent circumstances surrounding the death of Samuel Paty, in a suburb of Paris on October 16 have traumatised France. As French … Continue reading

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A teacher remains fiercely committed to her students as UNRWA schools face closure

Nesrin Ayoub is the head-teacher of an UNRWA-run girls’ primary school of 450 girls aged 6-16 years in Ein Hilweh Refugee Camp, in Lebanon. All the children are all Palestine refugees from Lebanon and Syria. People in the Ein Hilweh … Continue reading

Posted in Conflict, migration, refugees, Refugees and displaced people, Uncategorized, violence | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

Fighting gang violence in El Salvador by empowering young minds

By:  IBREA Foundation “Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed,” wrote the poet Archibald MacLeish for the preamble of UNESCO’s constitution in 1945. Having … Continue reading

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Fighting female genital mutilation: Education matters

There are approximately 45 million girls of primary and secondary school age not going to school in sub-Saharan Africa according to the UIS – more than in any other region. Our 2017/8 report showed that across 18 countries in the … Continue reading

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Stronger accountability can help ensure cases of gender-based school violence are reported (part 2)

As part I of this blog showed, violent behaviour is rife in schools, and sometimes perpetrated by teachers themselves. Addressing the issue requires a multilevel approach, including effective laws and policies, relevant curricula and learning materials, educator training and support, … Continue reading

Posted in Gender, Sexual violence, SRGBV, Uncategorized, violence | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Learning to protest with words

Thus far 2017 has been a year of protests, sprouting up in response to shifts in political tides. But, given the rifts in ideological and political viewpoints currently creating divisions within countries, it is notable that these shifts have not … Continue reading

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Boko Haram won’t win

By Zannah Mustapha, founder of Future Prowess Today, a conference is being held to look at the humanitarian crisis unfolding in north-eastern Nigeria and the Lake Chad region. I live this crisis every day. I have seen a thousand orphans … Continue reading

Posted in Conflict, fragile states, school violence, Uncategorized, violence | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment