Category Archives: Inclussion

Together against bullying in school

Stefania Giannini, Assistant Director-General for Education, UNESCO Their names are Monica, Yamin, Jimmy, and Colette, just four of the millions of students across the world affected by bullying in school. In Zambia, Monica is bullied by her classmates for being … Continue reading

Posted in Equality, Equity, Inclussion, school violence | Tagged | 4 Comments

Parents and communities need to be engaged in migrant children’s education

by Anna d’Addio, Senior Policy Analyst at the GEM Report “We were blind, now our eyes have been opened … the educated children help us see. (Zahra, mother)” (Changezi and Biseth, 2011) Family and community involvement is key to overcome … Continue reading

Posted in Developing countries, Disaster preparedness, Equality, Equity, Ethnicity, fragile states, immigrant, immigration, Inclusion, Inclussion, Marginalization, migrant, migration, peace, refugees, Refugees and displaced people, right to education, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Free education for all in Sierra Leone? Can it happen?

In late August, Sierra Leone’s newly elected President Julius Madaa Bio, announced a five year initiative to roll out free pre-primary, primary and secondary education on 17 September. The new policy is intended to guarantee free school places for one … Continue reading

Posted in Developing countries, Finance, Inclussion, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , | 5 Comments