Category Archives: SRGBV

What role can schools play to end violence and sexual harassment?

🔊 Listen to this blog By Manos Antoninis Effective sex education programmes can help combat sexual violence in school and in society. When will it be safe for a woman to walk herself home at night without the threat of … Continue reading

Posted in Gender, school violence, Sexual violence, sexuality education, SRGBV, Uncategorized, violence | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Five steps to stamp out gender inequality in education

The new Gender GEM Report released today at the G7 France – UNESCO International Conference shows that equal numbers of boys and girls are still not enrolled in a third of countries in primary, half in lower secondary, and three … Continue reading

Posted in child marriage, Donors, Equality, Equity, Gender, Inclusion, parity, sexuality education, SRGBV, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Fighting gang violence in El Salvador by empowering young minds

By:  IBREA Foundation “Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed,” wrote the poet Archibald MacLeish for the preamble of UNESCO’s constitution in 1945. Having … Continue reading

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Fighting female genital mutilation: Education matters

There are approximately 45 million girls of primary and secondary school age not going to school in sub-Saharan Africa according to the UIS – more than in any other region. Our 2017/8 report showed that across 18 countries in the … Continue reading

Posted in Gender, SRGBV, Uncategorized, violence | Tagged , , , , | 4 Comments

Stronger accountability can help ensure cases of gender-based school violence are reported (part 2)

As part I of this blog showed, violent behaviour is rife in schools, and sometimes perpetrated by teachers themselves. Addressing the issue requires a multilevel approach, including effective laws and policies, relevant curricula and learning materials, educator training and support, … Continue reading

Posted in Gender, Sexual violence, SRGBV, Uncategorized, violence | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Teachers are central to any effective response to school-related gender-based violence (part 1)

School-related violence can be physical, psychological or sexual; occur on school grounds, in transit or in cyberspace; and include bullying, corporal punishment, verbal and emotional abuse, intimidation, sexual harassment and assault, gang activity and the presence of weapons among students. … Continue reading

Posted in Gender, Human rights, school violence, Sexual violence, SRGBV, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , | 6 Comments

Samoa votes against reintroducing corporal punishment in schools

Corporal punishment was only banned in Samoan schools in 2013. Four years later, however, the issue was once again up for debate. Thankfully, a matter of days ago, Cabinet decided to uphold the ban. Amongst those who have questioned whether the … Continue reading

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Let’s decide how to monitor school-related violence

Today, a large symposium is opening in South Korea on School Violence and Bullying: From Evidence to Action, with more than 250 participants from 70 countries coming together to discuss how to combat the issue. A new Global Status Report … Continue reading

Posted in Gender, monitoring, school violence, SRGBV, Uncategorized, violence | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

School-related gender-based violence must be eliminated

Today, November 25, is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and marks the start of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence. The campaign aims to galvanize action to end violence against women and girls … Continue reading

Posted in Gender, SRGBV, Uncategorized, violence | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments

Education needs to fundamentally change if we are to reach our global development goals

The new Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report by UNESCO, released this morning, shows the vast potential for education to propel progress towards all global goals outlined in the new Sustainable Development Agenda (SDGs). But, if education is to fulfill that … Continue reading

Posted in accountability, Adult education, Arab States, Asia, Basic education, child marriage, Citizenship, Climate change, Conflict, curriculum, data, Developed countries, Equity, Ethnicity, Gender, Governance, Human rights, ICT, immigration, integrated development, Language, Latin America, Learning, Legislation, Literacy, Marginalization, pedagogy, Post-2015 development framework, Post-secondary education, Poverty, Pre-primary education, Primary school, private schools, private sector, Production, Rural areas, Sexual violence, SRGBV, Sustainable development, Uncategorized, united nations | Tagged , | 6 Comments