Charlotte, a teacher from Marseille: “We’re being asked to do a completely different job from before.”

The onset of Covid-19 means that teachers like me are suddenly being asked to do completely different jobs. While we were in the classroom engaging with children before, now we’re at home and trying to engage with their parents. I work in a very underprivileged school in Marseille. I now find that part of our work is almost humanitarian. I have had to try to deduce whether the families of the children I was teaching have enough money to eat or not, as many were benefitting from school meals or other forms of social aid that they can’t now access, as lots of the benefits centres are closed. Lots of the markets selling cheaper food are also closed, as are the associations that would help with food distribution. My colleagues and I are proud to say that about 30 families from my school will be receiving food boxes this week.

But this hasn’t been easy. My school is made up of several nationalities, with lots of children from Northern Africa and the Middle East. Many of the families of the children I teach often don’t speak French. So the parents I am calling might just say ‘ok, ok, ok’ because they don’t understand what I’m asking. I’ve had to set up calls with other parents who can translate and speak to them on the side to really get the truth. I have realised along the way that many of those parents are ashamed to tell me they need help. I’m their kid’s teacher after all, not their social worker. This is new for me, but it’s also new for them.


Image: Liz Henry

Aside from those basic needs, I know that these children don’t have the resources at home to properly carry out any form of distance learning. I know they haven’t got a printer or a computer. Some of them may have access to a mobile phone, sharing it with their sibling or parents, for instance. But their internet isn’t guaranteed either. I have to take all these difficulties into account when I’m setting and handing out work to my students. I’m a pre-school teacher and, knowing how bad screens can be for that age group, I have opted for voice recordings and short video tutorials with easy instructions for work they can do at home, such as simple drawings or tracing letters.

I can see that even email correspondence isn’t going to work. Some of the parents of the children in my class do not know how to send an email. Many are embarrassed about their level of French so, if they do send me a drawing or piece of work their child has done, it will come with no accompanying text or just a very short sentence.

It is frustrating to me, as I am used to working with disadvantaged children, so I know the different levels of support needed. I know that sending a link isn’t enough. “La continuité pédagogique”, as is being asked of us by the Minister of National Education, is simply not possible for children I teach. No one can guarantee that learning will continue when it’s being delegated to parents. Teaching is a profession, after all. To learn new concepts, children need a trained teacher to guide them, and need to learn to together as a group, acquiring social skills at the same time from their peers.

In the current condition, the double-edged sword of “la continuité pédagogique” asked by the Minister is this: If the children are privileged, their parents are probably trying to telework and don’t have time to home-school; if the children are under-privileged, their parents might have the time, but they don’t know how to work with the materials they’re receiving. The barrier might be a simple as language. Teacher unions keep saying this, but it’s not cutting through.

I’m preparing myself for schools to be shut for a while; possibly until the next school year in September. And then we will have to take a careful assessment of each child, as they arrive back in class. The lessons we’ve been giving at a distance simply cannot be considered as ones that all will have learnt. This assessment, which will help to split children by their learning progress, will be even more crucial than usual. It’s our job and it takes time, but we can and will do it. It’s a huge, multi-faceted challenge. But I know we, as teachers, will work through it.

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7 Responses to Charlotte, a teacher from Marseille: “We’re being asked to do a completely different job from before.”

  1. Pingback: Charlotte, a teacher from Marseille: “We’re being asked to do a completely different job from before.” — World Education Blog |

  2. Pingback: NORRAG – COVID-19 Education Disruption and the Response by the Global Education Community by Arushi Terway and Marina Avelar - NORRAG -

  3. Francis omondi says:

    Situation of novel vivid 19 at siaya county in kenya.
    On march 16th ,the president closed down all the learning institutions both the private and public.The private school I run in a rural place in yala swamp called tower of light. Life of the teachers have not been easy as most of them depended entirely on what the parents were paying. Most of this teachers have families and it has made them to look for odd jobs like fishing in the nearby lakes and most of them go hungry with their children. Their is also curfew from 7pm to 5am in the morning everyday for 30 days.This has made life unbearable for them even to look for jobs far away from where they stay.


  4. Edita says:

    Thank you for sharing such an honest and real reflection of the experience of teachers and students in Marseille. The extent of this challenge for students, teachers and parents cannot be underestimated but as teachers, our role is far more than solely facilitating learning. I train teachers in the UK and one of the schools that I work with inner city London, UK – when school closures were announced – in addition to attempting to mitigate the challenges posed by a lack of internet and electronic devices by preparing paper-based resources for students, they also created food hampers for families. The role of the teacher has always been wide-ranging and broad, especially when working with disadvantaged communities, but it is now more the case than ever. The role of teachers and schools goes far beyond “La continuité pédagogique”.


  5. ramyaviv says:

    Thank you for such a thoughtful and honest account of the situation you are facing! What resonated with me most: “No one can guarantee that learning will continue when it’s being delegated to parents. Teaching is a profession, after all.”


  6. Palwasha Afroz says:

    Covid 19 is became pervious all the lessons at all the world


  7. I’m from Africa too, but not a French-speaking country. I’m really awed by what you are doing. Having the heart of spreading yourself to help the children through giving the food-boxes, and even understanding enough by having other parents’ translate for those who don’t understand. It’s true, teaching is a calling.


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