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Scholarships available for the new Bradford Filmmaking MA course, apply now!

Scholarships available for the new Bradford Filmmaking MA course, apply now!

Mon, 05/10/2021 to Thu, 07/01/2021

Recognizing the importance of filmmaking as a vehicle to explore the world and learn about

sustainable urban development issues, Bradford, a UNESCO Creative City of Film since 2009, in collaboration with the University of Bradford has relaunched its Master’s in Filmmaking. As a part of the Master’s programme a series of financial scholarships are also being made available to encourage and support interested young advocates of film.

The new Master’s programme aims to attract students from all over the world by providing them with the skills to become directors, producers and writers of the future. By supporting filmmakers with a global vision, the Master will support young filmmakers who are committed to communicating - through the art of filmmaking and storytelling - the importance of a sustainable future.

Interested applicants have until 1 July 2021 to apply for one of the three £5,000 scholarships for qualified full-time international applicants, or the five £2,000 scholarships for national applicants. Selected candidates will have the opportunity to join this programme and engage with important cultural and creative themes around sustainable development in an international and multicultural context

For more information about the application process, please click on the links below.

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