Our new evidence underlines education’s unique transformative power

Next week we will release new analysis showing how education transforms lives. Presented as a booklet with infographics by Information is Beautiful, the analysis will demonstrate education’s unrivalled power to boost wider development goals. In two weeks’ time, the shape of the world’s new development goals will be discussed at the UN General Assembly. We hope the development community will share and discuss our new analysis – and use it to make sure education gets the place it deserves in new goals post-2015.

transforms_cover_smTo launch our new infographics, we are holding an event in a primary school in New York. Mariam Khalique, teacher of the Pakistani schoolgirl and education activist Malala Yousafzai, will be talking about our new findings to a class of children, civil society, media and UN leaders, including the Director General of UNESCO, Irina Bokova, the Executive Director of UNICEF, Anthony Lake, and the UN Secretary-General’s advisor for post-2015 planning, Amina Mohammed. As a teacher in Pakistan, the country with the second-highest number of out-of-school children in the world, Mariam Khalique has many pertinent stories and experiences of education’s impact. We will show a video from the event once it is over so everyone can hear her stories..

We hope the UN leaders present at the event will help catapult upwards the message that ‘education transforms’ to those making the decisions at the General Assembly the following week.


For those who cannot make our event, we are holding a tweetchat on September 19 from 9am EDT, and hope you can take part. A wide range of development organizations are partnering with us to co-host debates about education’s role in transforming lives, including Amnesty International, UN Women, ODI, OECD, the World Food Programme, UNICEF and a World at School. It should be a lively debate. Please join us via #educationtransforms and encourage your networks to take part.

 And if you agree in the power of education to transform lives, please do add your name to our action, which we will take to world leaders working on the shape of new goals post-2015. So far, people from almost 80 countries have shown that they agree. 

This entry was posted in Basic education, Climate change, Conflict, Democracy, Early childhood care and education, Economic growth, Employment, Environment, Equality, Gender, Governance, Health, HIV/AIDS, Human rights, Millennium Development Goals, Nutrition, Out-of-school children, Post-2015 development framework, Poverty, Quality of education. Bookmark the permalink.

1 Response to Our new evidence underlines education’s unique transformative power

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