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To highlight design’s transformative potential in development, Graz (Austria), a UNESCO Creative City of Design, has launched the “Design Month Graz”. The initiative aims to provide insights into various creative disciplines, while connecting design creators to share their projects and ideas with each other. Building on joint reflection, the initiative will offer a space for innovative projects to promote the significance and perception of design as a revitalizing power in local sustainable development. From 8 May to 6 June...
On the occasion of the UNESCO Cities of Design subnetwork meeting 2020, hosted by the Creative City of Graz (Austria) and Saint-Etienne (France), three thematic panel discussions were organized on different facets of urban development to make cities sustainable and future-proof. To allow cities to participate form all over the world, the panel discussions followed a hybrid format. With the rapid growth of cities worldwide along with the COVID-19 multifaceted impacts, Creative Cities of Design decided to discuss the development and design of...
For the 10th time, Designmonat Graz, a four-week festival for the development of urban design, is transforming the city into a vibrant meeting point for creative practitioners, receiving almost 100.000 visitors per year. The festival will start on May 4th with an opening event, the launch of the Designers’ night and an introduction of the theme of the 2018 edition: tolerance. The idea of the festival is based on the conviction that design is a matter of tolerance: it challenges the current knowledge and requires creativity and openness. The...
Fifteen Seconds Festival started in 2014 as a conference to explore the contemporary trends in the field of marketing. Today, the event has turned into an interdisciplinary business festival which gathers thinkers and practitioners from all around the world. This is why, the 2017 edition, over 4100 curious visitors decided to join Fifteen Seconds Festival and came to Graz to explore the city and its local creative innovation. Indeed, over 5.000 experts from various fields such as marketing, advertising, media, technology and HR participate to...
Until 30 July, Graz Creative City of Design opens its call for projects to students worldwide for the first User Experience (UX) World Championship, to be held in the framework of the World Usability Congress 2016.    The subject of this first UX World Championship is to develop concepts for future shopping experiences. Up to today, 150 different universities from all around the world have registered to take part of the event and will be sending their best students in UX. The projects have to be designed and presented in an A0 PDF...
Since 2009, Designmonat Graz (Austria) has been gathering and consolidating the energy of the regional creative industries into one month. “Making Ideas Visible” is the motto for this year’s Designmonat Graz. Between the 1st and the 31st May 2015, the event provides a stage for innovative projects, on an experimental as well as on a commercial level, and increases awareness about the significance of design as a process for development and added value.    As a UCCN City of Design, Graz creates multiple...
Montréal will be the guest of honour at Design Month in Graz, which takes place from April 30 to May 31 in the Austrian city. Like Montréal, Graz holds the title UNESCO City of Design.   The springtime event, which was attended by more than 75,000 people in 2013, showcases the talent of the best creators in Graz and elsewhere in the world through some 50 activities touching on every design discipline. Since its designation as a UNESCO City of Design in 2011, Graz has invited one of the network’s creative cities to join the...