The Creative City of Music of Bologna connects the creative fields and calls for one of the Network’s member to display a stand at Bologna Children’s Book Fair 2017 which will take place from the 3 to the 6 April 2017. This world famous event for children’s and young adult publishing industry annually gathers over 25,000 visitors and showcases 1200 exhibitors, with over 98 countries represented from across the world.
The proposals for the Call should examine the Fair’s main thematic on the promotion of city publishing houses and illustrators, education, new technologies (for example apps and games), animated films and young people’s fiction.
The selected Creative City will be given the opportunity to run a free stand of 32m² for the whole duration of the fair, including basic setting up. The city will also be able to participate in events connected to the fair, in a modality to define with the City of Bologna and Bologna Children’s Book Fair. Note that the travel costs, accommodation, shipping and possible insurance costs are the responsibility of the participating cities.
Deadline for the submission of proposals: 20 January 2017.