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Adelaide Will Host the Asia-Pacific Creative Cities Conference

Adelaide Will Host the Asia-Pacific Creative Cities Conference

Wed, 10/23/2019

In recognition of the significant impact of the creative industries in Asia-Pacific and the vast opportunities that arise from partnership development in the region, the UNESCO Creative City of Adelaide and its Adelaide Festival Centre, will organize the Asia-Pacific Creative Cities Conference in Adelaide, under the theme “Leadership in the Global Cultural and Creative Economy” from 23 to 26 October 2019.

The event will take place in parallel to the world-class OzAsia Festival, which has played a crucial role in strengthening cultural collaboration and exchange between Australia and Asia since 2007. The Conference will bring together top-level delegates and world-class speakers representing Australia, the Asia-Pacific region, and specifically the UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN).

Designated a UNESCO Creative City of Music in 2015, Adelaide is committed to sharing best practices, developing partnerships and prioritizing international collaboration with the members of this important alliance.

Cultural and creative industries (CCI) of the Asia-Pacific region, identified by the 2015 EY study as the largest CCI market and consumer base in the world generating US $743 billion of revenues (33 % of global CCI sales) and 12.7 million jobs (43 % of CCI jobs worldwide).

The Asia-Pacific Creative Cities Conference in Adelaide will feature panel discussions and roundtables with leaders from the political representatives; creative industry, trade and tourism bodies; and creative thinkers and practitioners. The Conference will present an opportunity to engage with the Asia-Pacific Creative Cities on strategic conversations around the development of the CCI market, trade and investment in the region; amplification of bilateral partnerships and opportunities; support for entrepreneurship and the movement of ideas, creators and innovation; promotion of the CCI as a source of sustainable solutions and resiliency in cities; and long-term tourism policies and marketing strategies for creative cities.

In honor of the International Year of Indigenous Language, a United Nations observance in 2019, the Conference will address the ways in which indigenous arts, language and culture in the Asia-Pacific region may be protected, promoted, and supported. The Conference will also involve talent from the region with a dedicated artistic programme and introduce the best of the Creative City of Adelaide through performances, study tours and workshops.

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