Approximately 11 million people are in prisons worldwide, a number that is constantly growing. Many prisons are overcrowded and at crisis point, unable to provide education – a fundamental human right to which all prisoners should have access. To identify current trends, progress and challenges in...
Between March and June 2020, UIL hosted a series of webinars to explore how learning cities gauged the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in individual contexts, and how they were responding to the sudden, emergent and urgent challenges it posed. In this publication, we present 13 responses by...
The UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) has launched a new publication, Integrated Approaches to Literacy and Skills Development: Examples of Best Practice in Adult Learning Programmes . This new compilation showcases 21 adult education programmes that demonstrate promising...
Educators are key to quality adult learning and education. Yet, a lack of professional adult educators still hinders progress towards the provision of lifelong learning opportunities in many countries around the world. Curriculum globALE supports the professionalization of adult educators. By...
The UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) 2020 Virtual Annual Report demonstrates how the Institute rose to the challenges posed by the...
In almost one-third of countries, fewer than 5 per cent of adults aged 15 and above participate in education and learning programmes, according to UNESCO’s fourth Global Report on Adult Learning and Education (GRALE 4). Adults with disabilities, older adults, refugees and migrants, minority groups...