Help us choose the winner of our 2021 cartoon contest

In June, we launched a cartoon contest in partnership with the Cartoon Movement related to the forthcoming 2021/2 GEM Report on non-state actors in education.  The competition was to draw the best cartoon depiction of the issues around school choice and the impact of non-state actors in access, equity and quality in education based on this brief.

The Cartoon Movement is a global platform for editorial cartoons and comics journalism with a community of over 500 cartoonists in more than 80 countries. Together with their expert eye, we have selected the top five submissions among all designs received and are running a public vote on Twitter and Facebook to see which you think should win the contest.  The cartoon with the most engagement on social media will win $500.

Cast your vote and let us know which image you think best captures the topic of education and non-state actors. The closing date for votes is Tuesday 8 September 2021.

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