UNESCO IICBA and LO Addis Ababa Celebrating the World Teachers’ Day

With the 21st World Teachers’ Day coming on October 5th, staff of UNESCO IICBA and Liaison Office in Addis Ababa got together today to hold a celebration for the special day as well as launching In-Service Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Synthesis Report.

IICBA director Yumiko Yokozeki reminded participants about the importance of teachers, and shared with the offices the joint message on the occasion of the World Teachers’ Day from Heads of UNESCO, ILO, UNICEF, UNDP and Education International. The message underscores the role of teachers in achieving the new 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals, thus highlighting the operation of investing in recruiting, supporting, and empowering teachers. Prof. Alaphia Wright, director of LO in Addis Ababa remarks that despite operating programmes and projects, individual contribution in terms of improving quality education and teacher education should not be overlooked. After the remarks participants together celebrated the special day and watched the videos of the 2015 Teachers’ Day from UNESCO Headquarters. 

Joint Message on the occasion of the World Teachers’ Day: Empowering teachers, building sustainable societies


Teachers' Day, IICBA

 Teachers' Day, IICBA