UNESCO IICBA’s Participation in Annual Meeting and the 9th Policy Dialogue Forum in Siem Reap, Cambodia

The International Task Force on Teachers organizes annual meetings and a policy dialogue forum in one of its Member States. The 9th meeting was held in Siem Reap, Cambodia  3-7 December 2016 in which the theme of this year focused on Teacher Motivation, as a key concept in the provisions of teachers in Incheon Declaration: “we will ensure that teachers and educators are empowered, adequately recruited, well-trained, professionally qualified, motivated and supported within well-resourced, efficient and effectively governed systems”.  Over 300 participants from all regions, including policy makers, practitioners, reasearchers and development partners participated in the forum. In this forum, Dr. John N Oliphant from Lesotho presented some of the activities as the long – term commitments and projects of the institute in Teacher Support and Motivation issues, challenges and policy initiatives on the African continent of IICBA. Dr John N Oliphant is one of the contributors of IICBA’s publication namely “Teaching policies and learning outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa: Issues and Options”. In his presentation, Dr. Oliphant highlighted Recommendation of IICBA and partners for Africa on motivation issues as follows:

· The need to invest in comprehensive and holistic teachers’ policies
· Ensuring that teachers have a voice
· Professionalization and better status of teachers, covering the need to re-valorize the status of teachers and teaching as a profession 
· Provision of the right incentives (monetary and non-monetary) to enhance teachers’ motivation: salaries and social protection, teachers’ autonomy, school    governance and leadership etc.
· Provision of quality support to newly trained and recruited teachers – significance of meaningful teaching practice placements in diverse locations
· Improving and expanding teacher professional development and ensuring clearly defined guidelines for career advancement, school leadership and management  roles