As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, education systems around the world still face unprecedented challenges. Governmental agencies are working with international organizations, private sector partners and civil society to deliver education remotely through a mix of technologies to ensure continuity of curriculum-based teaching and learning for all. The effectiveness of distance learning approaches hinges on the capacity of technology, curricular courses and reference materials, home-based learning support, monitoring and assessment strategies.
With this background, the UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education (UNESCO IITE) and the Russian State Pedagogical University, St. Petersburg (Herzen University) organize a webinar on effective distance learning during COVID-19 disruption.
The event will take place on 23 September 2021, 3 – 4.30 pm (GMT+3 / Moscow time) and handle two key issues impacting the effectiveness of distance education. The first is to identify and review significant factors for effective distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. The second is to reveal prerequisites for mitigating the complications of teacher-student online interaction.
The outlined topics will be discussed with due regard to the UNESCO publication: ‘Ensuring effective distance learning during COVID-19 disruption. Guidance for teachers’, developed by the UNESCO Unit for Technology and Artificial Intelligence in Education in collaboration with the Smart Learning Institute of Beijing Normal University.
The live session will feature insightful presentations by high-profile experts and accord special priority to teachers’ real-life experience in distance education and remote teaching practice over the past academic year.
Registration to the ZOOM-hosted event is available in Russian only.
The webinar will also be live streamed at: