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After the successful pilot project City to City: Human Responsability – featuring the joint work of artists from nine Creative Cities of Media Arts in a virtual gallery – this year, 14 Creatives Cities of the Media Arts Cluster including Austin (United States of America), Braga (Portugal), Cali (Colombia), Changsha (China), Dakar (Senegal), Enghien-les-Bains (France), Guadalajara (Mexico), Gwangju (Republic of Korea), Karlsruhe (Germany), Košice (Slovakia), Sapporo (Japan), Toronto (Canada), Viborg (Denmark) and York (United...
As a UNESCO Creative City of Media Arts since 2017, Košice through the ‘Creative Industry Košice’ has invested in supporting its local artists and creative sector by fostering mobility and training. Together with Košice Artist in Residence (K.A.I.R), the city has launched its third edition of the Košice Residency programme. The two-month residency programme is open to media artists from Creative Cities worldwide. Artists are invited to submit their interest before 20 August 2021. The residency programme...
On the occasion of the 8th edition of the Latin American and Caribbean Week (SALC), the Centre des arts of Enghien-les-Bains (France), a UNESCO Creative City of Media Arts, presented a documentary entitled "Francia al ritmo de Cuba".  Produced in collaboration with the Cuban Institute of Music and the Cuban Ministry of Culture, the documentary aims to pay tribute to the many Cuban artists while also highlighting the central role of media arts in education, tourism, economy and its cultural and artistic development, wh Santiago Alfonso,...
Karlsruhe (Germany), a UNESCO Creative City of Media Arts, has launched an international short film competition titled “UNDERGROUND Film Award”, alongside with INDEPENDENT DAYS | Internationale Filmfestspiele Karlsruhe, the city’s largest film festival, and Filmboard Karlsruhe. The award aims to support independent filmmakers and media artists from all over the world with financial assistance (3,000 euros) for their short film projects that tell stories in a creative and unusual way. The award ceremony and the premiere of the selected artwork...
Viborg (Denmark), a UNESCO Creative City of Media Aros, launched a global social media campaign #DrawwithDenmark and #DrawHope. Dedicated to children and youth affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, the campaign aims to share a message of hope and comfort to vulnerable children worldwide. The social media campaign is part of “DANMARKS INDSAMLING (DI)” - THE UNITED DANISH APPEAL FOR FUNDS 2021” to raise funds nationwide to support the affected children and youth. Viborg being the host city for the above-mentioned National Appeal of this year...
With the aim to respond to the impacts and challenges of the COVID-19 crisis on the cultural and artistic sectors, nine UNESCO Creative Cities of Media Arts joined forces to further support their local artists and foster international collaboration. Following an open call launched in September, artists from Austin (United States of America), Braga (Portugal), Changsha (China), Guadalajara (Mexico), Karlsruhe (Germany), Santiago de Cali (Colombia), Sapporo (Japan), Košice (Slovakia) and York (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern...
Košice, a UNESCO Creative City of Media Arts, has opened the call for its two-month Media Arts Residency programme, to be held during the autumn of 2020. Organized by the NGO Creative Industry Košice in collaboration with Košice Artist in Residence (K.A.I.R.), the programme invites a media artist from one of the UNESCO Creative Cities to develop her/his own artistic project under the theme ‘Human Responsibility’. The residency programme offers the selected artist a space to create a new project or to pursue ongoing work by shifting its...
Changsha, a UNESCO Creative City of Media Arts in China, will organize a special edition of the International Youth Forum in collaboration with the UNESCO Beijing Office, the Chinese National Commission for UNESCO and the Creative City of Nanjing. The 2020 forum, titled “International Youth Forum on Creativity and Heritage along the Silk Roads: Special Dialogue on Youth’s Response to COVID-19 (IYFSD)”, aims to reflect and highlight the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the future of the interlinked communities. The Forum not only highlights...
Košice, a UNESCO Creative City of Media Arts in Slovakia, organized the third edition of its annual festival Art & Tech Days from 19 to 24 November 2019, which emphasized the amalgamation of media arts, technology and digital culture. The festival gathered various stakeholders including artists, scientists, professionals, and entrepreneurs who shared their thoughts, knowledge and insights related to issues and concerns raised with language and communication that happens ‘beyond words’. A discussion on art and technologies from...
With the aim to illustrate how the creative elements could help in making winter pleasant and enjoyable, Sapporo, UNESCO Creative City of Media Arts in Japan organized three artistic events based on the theme ‘winter art’ from 1 February to 11 February. These events included Sapporo Winter Change, a programme initiated in February 2019, aimed at encouraging interaction and exchange between artists, promoters and visitors. This year the city used media information in recreating virtual experiences using GPS data and virtual reality....