This side event to the Extended 44th session of the World Heritage Committee will include presentations on the historic capital cities of Beijing, Rome, Kyoto and Brasilia by key international experts from the perspective of the HUL Recommendation. The discussion is intended to enhance the global dialogue among capital cities on urban conservation and sustainable development.

Major metropolitan centers in the world today are also historic cities, many of which have evolved over centuries. These cities have a historic core or quarter that must contend with the pressures of contemporary urban life and its increasing demands for housing, infrastructure, new financial centers, and development projects making conservation of their urban heritage and unique historical quarters, a major challenge. Capital cities around the world face the pressures of urbanization and urban development share similar challenges of conserving their urban heritage. The 2011 UNESCO Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape (HUL Recommendation) is an important instrument for managing urban heritage. Hence, it is valuable to exchange and discuss case studies of how these different capital cities approach the management of their urban heritage and exchange with experts on ideas and methodologies for the conservation of heritage values while coordinating its development.

The event is hosted by the National Cultural Heritage Administration of China, The People’s Government of Beijing Municipality and organized by the Beijing Municipal Administration of Cultural Heritage and ICOMOS China.

It will be held from 15:30-17:00 (Beijing time: UTC/GMT+08:00) at the Fuzhou Strait International Conference & Exhibition Center, and online. The languages will be English and Chinese.