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Construir la paz en la mente de los hombres y de las mujeres

Public Partners

UN Development System

Although UNESCO is itself an integral part of the United Nations Development System, it is also closely engaged in a wide range of partnerships with the UN’s funds, programmes, commissions, and other specialized agencies of which it is comprised. The 2030 Agenda and the United Nations reform process create a space for the UNDS to collectively optimize partnerships with third parties for the Sustainable Development Goals and for UNESCO to strengthen strategic partnerships and forge new alliances within the UNDS.

UNESCO participates actively in all UN Sustainable Development Group (UNSDG) mechanisms dedicated to the implementation of UN Reform. At country level, UNESCO engages proactively within the UN United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSCDF) which is a dynamic framework for engagement between the United Nations system and Member States. It embodies the spirit of partnership that is at the core of the 2030 Agenda.

Government partners

UNESCO owes the greater part of its voluntary contributions to bilateral government donors who on average provide around 60 to 70% of the overall support to priority programme areas, individual projects and its specialized institutes. UNESCO’s relationships with many of its key government donors are framed within long standing partnership agreements which provide for regular strategic dialogues and joint planning and monitoring of cooperation.

Increasingly, UNESCO is also developing its role as implementation partner to bilateral government donors in programmes developed by these donors with specific beneficiary countries or sub-regions. It is also expanding its cooperation with emerging donors and Middle-Income countries, including by providing technical assistance for programmes developed on their own territory.

Intergovernmental organizations including regional organizations

UNESCO collaborates closely with a wide range of other intergovernmental organizations such as the European Union, International Financial Institutions and other organisations with global or regional mandates with whom it holds shared values and objectives, and mutually reinforcing areas of expertise.

UNESCO recognizes the particular added value at regional and sub-regional level of regional intergovernmental organizations including the Regional Economic Communities, and Regional Development Banks and its cooperation with Member States closely aligned with regional strategies such as “Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want”.



For more information contact Public-partners@unesco.org