Which orientations to strengthen the management systems of TVET trainers in Africa? IIEP-Dakar launches regional study

On Thursday, March 25, IIEP-UNESCO Dakar has organized a launch webinar to share the orientations and methodology of the study to be conducted in Benin, Ethiopia, Madagascar and Senegal.

Through this study, IIEP-UNESCO Dakar wishes to provide TVET decision-makers of the targeted countries and other countries in Sub-Saharan Africa who share the same contexts, with insight into the challenges and developement paths to improve training arrangements for trainers and supervisory staff. These avenues will be formulated in the form of roadmaps for the national orientations and choices to be retained for the upgrading of their systems. The study aims to complement a large number of work already carried out on this topic.

The expected insight and avenues will be drawn from a critical analysis of policies and management systems in the four targeted countries and two reference countries around the world. Then, with a prospective vision, the study will identify effective and sustainable approaches to make sufficient and competent staff available to the TVET system, particularly in African countries.

The scope of the study will cover:

  • The public TVET system (under the supervision of the Ministries of Education, Vocational Training and / or Higher Education, Ministry of Labor, Sector Ministries, etc.) including TVET establishments managed in public private partnership (PPP);
  • Professional training delivered by private training centers;
  • Vocational training delivered by companys, fomally or informally, as part of apprenticeship or work-study training schemes.

During the launch webinar which brought together participants from the four target countries and key partners, IIEP-UNESCO Dakar and the team of experts (1 international and 4 national) shared the methodological framework of the study. The suggestions and ideas formulated by the participants in connection with the axes of the study were taken into account by the experts, who stay tuned to new suggestions from actors engaged on the theme of modernization, system reforms or training of trainers.

Anyone wishing to share ideas or documentation can get in touch with our experts: Ibrahima Diallo, study coordinator for IIEP-Dakar and Brahim Toumi, lead expert.