Benchmarks dashboard
Applying the benchmark methodology to actual data builds a basis for discussion at global, regional and national level. The TCG Secretariat presents three dashboards to facilitate such discussions, in particular to synthesize progress and identify data gaps, but also to guide monitoring and follow-up.
The dashboards present for each of the seven indicators (and their dimensions, for instance by education level), for each country and for several regional groups, the following information:
- the last value (most recent data point available);
- the minimum benchmark for 2025 and 2030 based on past rates of progress; and
- the feasible benchmark for 2025 and 2030 based on the rates of progress of high performing countries
- the National benchmark (to be determined) that needs to be set by each country on a voluntary basis; and
- the Minimum regional benchmark, or the recommended benchmark for the region, that is calculated as the average of the country feasible benchmarks weighted by the school-age population. For indicators on expenditure, it is 4% of gross domestic product (GDP) to education; and 15% of public expenditure to education.
This indicative dashboard shows how progress can be monitored and reported in 2025 and 2030 taking into account the level countries have reached and their rate of progress.
This dashboard shows the average regional value at baseline, the value of the country with the lowest value, the 20 proposed regional benchmarks for 2025 and 2030 and the average regional value for the national feasible benchmarks for all regional groupings.