Benchmark Indicators Gaps
The production and dissemination of high quality education statistics are essential for effective planning, as well as for monitoring progress toward national, regional, and global education targets. Evidence-based planning with data of good quality reduces system costs and allows optimal policy implementation, particularly with respect to the equitable and efficient use of resources.
However, monitoring progress is not possible in the presence of data gaps. Currently, several critical gaps are plaguing the international monitoring dashboard. National institutions can sometimes find it challenging to regularly disseminate official statistics on education, especially given the more complex demands of the 2030 Agenda.
The dashboard below shows the coverage of benchmark indicators as of November 8th 2021 using a traffic light approach:
- red: if the country does not have any data in the last 8 to 10 years, depending on the indicator;
- yellow: if a country has at least one data point in the latest period of 4 to 5 years; and
- green: if the country has at least one data point in the last period of 4 or 5 years and at least one data point in the precedent period of 4 or 5 years allowing for data trend analysis.
For indicators 4.1.4 on rate of out-of-school children and 4.2.2 on participation rate in organized learning one year before primary, only administrative data was used.