The sixth TCG meeting focused specifically on:
- To ENDORSE the methodological developments and APPROVE the list of indicators to be published in 2020;
- To REVIEW and FINALIZE the list of thematic indicators;
- Advancing the discussion on potential new indicators, to APPROVE methodological work in the relevant area;
- To DISCUSS countries experiences in producing, reporting and validate data and UPDATE, if necessary, the SDG data validation process;
- To identify at least three indicators to develop milestones on benchmarking and approve the process;
- To IDENTIFY areas for improvement in data production and funding
Session presentations
Session 1: Opening of TCG 6
Sixth Meeting of Technical Cooperation Group: Update on Global Progress
Session 2: Report on methodological development and standards
Report by the TCG working group on indicator development
Report on Inter-Agency Group on Education Inequality Indicators
Global Alliance to Monitor Learning: Consultation
Session 3: Data challenges and goal setting
Benchmarking for learning: Linking 4.1.1 with broader issues in education policy
Session 4: Closing of Day 1
Session 5: Opening of Day 2 of TCG 6
Session 6: Regional and global monitoring: Aligning frameworks and expectations
Regional indicator frameworks on education
Session 7: Monitoring progress
SDG 4 Indicator benchmarking consultation
Session 8: Closing of the meeting
Working documents
- Concept note (EN/FR)
- Agenda (EN/FR)
- List of Participants
- Meeting Commitments: Are countries on track to achieve SDG 4? (EN/FR/ES)
- TCG Rules for Voting
- WD/1 TCG 5th Meeting Summary (EN/FR)
- WD/2 Progress Report (EN/FR)
- WD/3 UIS Report on SDG 4 Indicators Data Coverage (EN/FR)
- WD/4 Production and dissemination of education indicators: Questionnaires for stakeholders (EN/FR)
- WD/5 SDG 4 indicator benchmarking consultation (EN/FR)
- SDG 4 Benchmarks - Excel
Reference documents
- REF/1 Proposal for refining thematic indicator 4.5.3
- REF/2 Reporting on Indicator 4.7.1
- REF/3 SDG indicator 4.7.1: Proposal for monitoring (EN/FR)
- REF/4 SDG indicator 4.7.1: Proposal for a Measurement Strategy
- REF/5 The quality of international data on teachers to report on SDG target 4.c
- REF/6 Classification framework for trained and qualified teachers
- REF/7 Measuring SDG indicator 4.c.5 and the role of the UNESCO Institute for Statistics
- REF/8 Case Studies: Group discussions (EN/FR)
- REF/9 Global Coalition for Education Data: Concept Note
- REF/10 Regional Framework for Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
- REF/11 A Conceptual Framework for Aligning Institutional Incentives in the Development of Education Data Systems
- REF/12 Monitoring Progress: Benchmarking Group Discussion
- REF/13 Proposal for a refined approach to monitoring and reporting indicator 4.1.4: Completion rate
- REF/14 Proposal for monitoring of SDG indicators 4.7.1, 12.8.1 and 13.3.1
- REF/15 Human Rights Education Indicator Framework (draft)
- REF/16 Issues for consultation and decision