The Fifth TCG meeting focused specifically on:
- Considering necessary modifications, and discussing alternative methodologies to fill gaps in
coverage, to ENDORSE methodological developments and APPROVE the list of indicators to be
published in 2019. - Advancing the discussion on potential new indicators, to APPROVE a preliminary list of these
indicators to be included in the 2020 revision. - Presenting and discussing the SDG data validation process, to ACHIEVE ENDORSEMENT of the
process by the Member States. - To DEVELOP recommendations on benchmarking processes.
- To AGREE on key messages to the international community about challenges and needs of
Member States in producing SDG 4 indicators.
- Session 1: Opening of TCG 5
- Session 2: Methodological developments and indicators to be published in 2019
- Session 3: Member States’ experiences with SDG 4 monitoring: challenges and needs
- Session 4: Report on the availability and development of LO/Skills indicators
- Session 5: Reporting, validation, dissemination
- Session 6: Regional and global monitoring: Aligning frameworks and expectations
- Session 7: Benchmarking
- Session 8: Towards Revision 2020
- Session 9: Key messages and way forward
Working documents
Reference documents
- Session 2:
- TCG5/REF/1 SDG indicator 4.1.5: Proposal to change the out-of-school rate calculation
- TCG5/REF/2 SDG indicator 4.2.3: Measurement of Positive and Stimulating Home Environments
- TCG5/REF/3 SDG indicator 4.2.4: Proposed Change in the Methodology
- TCG5/REF/4 SDG indicator 4.3.1: Consultation on Definitions, Methodology and Formulation of Questions
- TCG5/REF/5 SDG indicator 4.5.2: Recommended approaches for measurement
- TCG5/REF/6 SDG indicator 4.a.1(d): Review of definitions and data collection approaches
- TCG5/REF/7 A new methodology for estimating completion rates Global Education Monitoring Report
- Session 3:
- Session 4:
- Session 5:
- Session 6:
- Session 8: