The new training on TVET mamangement of IIEP-UNESCO Dakar is launched !

The first graduating class of the TVET management course, is composed of 38 managers from 7 countries in North, West, East and Southern Africa. This new 7-month training course will upgrade the skills of both public and private sector managers in the management of vocational training systems by improving their capacity to analyse, plan and monitor the implementation of TVET strategies.

Public-private partnerships are essential to TVET systems. "The management of TVET must be part of a public-private partnership to ensure a match between the training offered and the market needs," said Jacques Nyabuhwanya, a training participant and Coordinator of the consortium of five sectoral chambers of the Federal Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Burundi.

The course will be delivered partly online, on the IIEP International Virtual Campus, and partly in person, with two groups in Dakar.  Graduates will earn a certificate specifying the skills acquired.

"The course corresponds perfectly to my responsibilities, and will enable me to learn all about the various factors essential for the development of TVET," said Holimalala Angéla Ratovobarimanana, enrolled in the training course and Project Manager at the Directorate General of Technical and Vocational Education of Madagascar.

The virtual launch meeting focused on the important role played by IIEP-UNESCO Dakar in the field of TVET, the organization and structure of the training course, as well as the instructional methods and the online training platform. In the coming months, several themes will be explored in greater detail: TVET issues and challenges; labour market analysis; the cost and financing of TVET; strategic and operational planning; and implementing TVET reforms.