On 5 October, the world celebrated the World Teachers’ Day and this year it was about ‘Teachers at the Heart of Education Recovery.’ 

The global pandemic has challenged the world of education and increased the crucial role of teachers in providing inclusive and equitable learning and in contributing to a transformative education.

UNESCO Associated Schools community pay a tribute to all its teachers around the world for having been on the front lines over the last months raising the flag of the Network very high through daily commitment and inspiring work.


Aisha MahmoodGrade 7 French Immersion and English teacher at Ecole Selkirk Junior High in Selkirk, Manitoba, Canada

"Selkirk was fortunate, as we were not heavily hit by COVID-19 at first. As the second wave came we were forced into remote learning, I witnessed my students losing family members and loved ones and I really began to see that there's a lot of trauma we are not addressing. I had kids who were texting me at all hours, anxious, alone and afraid, and I answered them every single time. As the school year started in class this year, care needed to come before content. We cannot just hop in and conjugate verbs and assign book reports! It is essential for me, now more than ever, for trauma informed teaching,to build community and security within my lessons. This year it is especially important to have a classroom space of respect, love and liberty for all of my students to feel safe and belong." 
Sandrina Martins, enseignante et professeur coordinatrice réSEAU UNESCO à Agrupamento de Escolas do Carregado, Portugal

"La pandémie m'a amené à surmonter les défis numériques. J'ai toujours aimé la technologie, mais le confinement m'a fait découvrir de nouvelles voies et réinventer ma méthode d'enseignement. Cela m'a aussi apporté une préoccupation supplémentaire pour le bien-être de mes élèves. Beaucoup sont restés enfermés dans des appartements pendant des semaines et il était important de rester en contact avec eux pour voir s'ils allaient bien."

Evangelia KaragiannidouEFL State School Teacher, M.Ed. TESOL; AML MUN Director/ Anavryta Model Lyceum, Athens, Greece

"The global pandemic COVID-19 has definitely had a strong impact on the world of education and has given the opportunity to teachers to bond with peers and students in so many different and creative ways despite the dire circumstances! On a personal note, I have had the chance to reflect on my teaching practices, share ideas and good teaching practices, join professional teachers' networks, participate in a number of webinars and online educational programmes, as part of my life-long learning goals/ professional development! We endured and helped our students stay motivated and alert, within our learning communities!" 
Kefallinou Loukia, International school of Athens
The pandemic was such an unprecedented situation that the whole planet was heavily affected. Personally, I had to stay home, teach online and minimise my expectations of my life all these months of lockdown.  My students were not as engaged and enthusiastic as I wanted them to be... but how could they be! During the pandemic, teaching, learning, working, living was very different and demanding but also a fruitful lesson to all of us!

Vassia Chasioti, 8th Primary School of Kifissia, Greece

During the pandemic, I rediscovered myself as a teacher and I explored different teaching tools, artistic projects and international collaborations in order to motivate my students. My priorities are to tackle students` needs stemming from the pandemic and societal inequities, to attend to students` social-emotional needs and empower them to confront all the challenges. I believe the pandemic taught me how to prioritize my students` well-being!

Mrs Omeshwaree Bauhadoor teaching Art and Design at Ebene SSS college girls in Mauritius.
The pandemic has helped me to look at the positive side of life, both as a teacher and as an artist. 
My Art has become more of a form of meditation and therapy.
During the pandemic i have tried to value each students' journeys and tried to built  up on them resulting to new ways of teaching and learning.
New focal point were introduced which has helped students to produce original artworks. 

We have turned the pandemic as our new source of inspiration and motivation to produce successful artworks.

Chryssanthe SOTIRIOU, Greece
I love storytelling, especially fairy tales, and today I will share one with you. It is the story of remote learning with students and teachers either at home or in a hybrid model. It was difficult; Yes. But …we all learned from it. We learned from the things that worked, and things that didn't. What I want you to keep from my fairy tale today is a positive message. Whichever method, application, communication platform or online quiz you used or will use, the students will be grateful that you were there, supporting and helping them through this. Learning will never stop!
Jinan Karameh Shayya, Al Manar Modern School, Lebanon
During pandemic, I was striving to reach out to all my students' minds and hearts. I did all what I can to enhance their wellbeing through being a mentor whom they can trust and express their thoughts and emotions. My days were spent either with my students in online classes and coaching sessions or planning how to build within them the resilient leaders, and change agents

Jacquleine Bani Aamer, Of course this pandemic affected our lives negatively. We lived in anxiety, isolation and loneliness.  However, it was a chance to have more time to sit with our children, to listen to them, find ways to keep in touch with my students after school closures as well . Pre_Covid 19 teachers are not like post _Covid 19 teachers who are equipped with new technology and skills to communicate with their students effectively. I hope to recover as soon as possible and go back to our normal life.
Heba Mohamed Haggag, Egypt
The  pandemic made a big distance between me and my students despite working online through the last 2 years. But i was soo happy to have my students again  at school, i was surprised  my student  got older taller they changed,but we began to restore our relationship very quickly i think it became mor strong than it was before the pandemic as we all now for sur appreciate every normal act in our normal life.
Joana Almeida, Bahia Regional Coordination – ASPnet Brazil
My teaching practice transformed during the pandemic period demanding from me skills in the field of instructional design. I had to use interactive technologies to arouse students' interest in learning in front of the screen. The internet connection was not part of the reality of the rural area, which was a challenge that was partially overcome in this context of transformation, including many young people in remote education, and bringing us together virtually. All this pedagogical exercise was developed collaboratively with school teachers, offering listening to their demands and encouraging the development of psychological safety with their students. I feel myself in the flow of the change that involves everyone.

Juanita García Cantú, Coordinadora de Secundaria, Mexico

Los docentes en el centro de la recuperación de la educación
Utilizado la metáfora, "ser lanzada a una alberca sin saber nadar" fue que iniciamos la pandemia. Se requirió mover manos, mente, corazón, vocación, compromiso y responsabilidad, para que todos, sin distinción, lograran educación de calidad a pesar de la adversidad. Se ha enfrentado con estudio, investigación, observación, nuevas prácticas y planeación, rompiendo barreras de distancia y tiempo para estar con todos y comunicarnos de manera asertiva. El efecto ha sido de incertidumbre, dolor y distanciamiento también ha sido de aprendizaje, esperanza, creatividad e innovación.

I'm Ms. Soulinthon Souvannaphasy, a teacher at khuethaphan secondary school.
he outbreaks of COVID-19 was impact of learning and teaching around the part of the country, seem at khuethaphan secondary school. The school has closure of. It makes a long time stop to study, teacher and students didn't have relationship to each other students cannot do activities with their friends at school, all activities at school must stop. Living is difficulty because of outbreak of COVID-19.
I'm Mr. Phonephit Chanthavongsa, a teacher at Pakse Teacher Training College, Laos
The outbreak of covid-19 in Pakse Teacher Training College has resulted in the closure of schools, staff turnover, and difficult teaching and learning, which has resulted in the learning of students, especially in remote areas.
Je m'appelle Bounhieng NOLOKHAM.
Je suis enseignante à l'école primaire Sokpaluang, à Vientiane, au Laos. Maintenant, le Laos est confronté à l'épidémie de Covid 19 comme de nombreux autres pays dans le monde. La propagation du virus depuis Avril 2020 affecte la vie du peuple, l'économie et l'éducation. Concernant notre école, depuis Avril 2021 suite à de nouvelles mesures restrictives ayant pour but d'endiguer la propagation de l'épidemie, les éccoles primaires de Vientaine sont fermées par decret. Notre école n'est plus en mesure de founir un enseignement scolaire. Par conséquent, l'enseignement en ligne est organisé. Mais, il est encore très difficile d'enseigner en ligne car certains enseignants et élèves n'ont pas d'ordinateurs ou de téléphones pour étudier.

Arzu Eren,Turkey.
[Translated from Turkish] During the pandemic process, our schools continued online for a long time. As Turkish teachers, we did our lessons with the internet (zoom). In this process, I have benefited a lot from online education platforms. I realized the importance of learning tools in education. I tried to make the online lesson fun with activities and competitions. I included visually supported videos for younger children in my lessons. It was very difficult to teach, especially to young children, sitting in front of the computer. In some classes, it seemed impossible to get their attention online. But we had to get used to it. As time passed, students tried to adapt by attending classes regularly to see their teacher and friends. I think that online education is not very effective, especially for younger students. They were quickly distracted, and their sociability decreased. For older students, it may be helpful to have some courses online. I think that practice lessons are more effective face-to-face for students of all ages.

Although theoretical knowledge is transferred through technology, it is not possible to establish an emotional bond with online education. Teaching is a slightly more emotional and heartfelt profession. For this reason, technology is not enough in some professions. Still, it is a great chance to continue the lessons from home with the internet in order to continue the education. However, it is much better to enjoy face-to-face education in schools. I hope, we never experience such a process again.


Apostolia Beka, Volos, Greece
It was a difficult and unknown situation ....

At school we tried to transform our teaching method using Webex and 

to help parents and students to cooperate and work in front of cameras and screen.

It wasn't the same as school but with the help of parents we made a lot og crafts and students loved it.

In personal life we couldn't go out to see our friends and have fun 

but we talked on the phone or using messenger and viber and we visited the closed ones at homes.

We got through the covid with success..!!

Katerina Christodoulou, Greece
The pandemic has changed the world forever. Without forgetting the people who suffered and those who are not with us any more, I will focus on the "silver lining". This ordeal has changed me radically both as a person and as a teacher. It has paved the way to learning so many new things and to feeling that all teachers around the world were "on the same page". We learned new methods, techniques, media, tools to bring knowledge to our locked down students, but, most importantly, we learned from each other. Thank you fellow teachers from far and near, thank you ASPnet for the life changing experience of global professional solidarity. 
Younoussa Bâ
​Au Sénégal, nous avons vécu la pandémie comme tous les autres pays du monde Mais, il faut tout de suite dire que la maladie n' a pas connu une ampleur trop grande comme on l'a vu dans les pays surtout avancés. Nous rendons grâce à Dieu et je touche du bois. Dans notre pays, lorsque la pandémie est arrivée, les écoles ont été fermées pour une durée de six mois. Les syndicats ont participé à l'effort de guerre en donnant une contribution financière consistante à l'Etat du Sénégal. Certains enseignants ont été emportés par la pandémie comme dans le reste du monde.

Tereza khalaf
We were greatly affected by the presence of this virus, and in the past two years, most of our work became online, and this led to the lack of education to the required level, and this negatively affected the students and led to a state of laziness and indifference. We hope this year that this situation will change and we will return to our previous era in terms of presence With students in schools and deliver information face to face.

Jacquleine Bani Aamer
Of course the pandemic affected our lives negatively. We lived in anxiety, isolation and loneliness.  However, it was a chance to have more time to sit with our children, to listen to them, find ways to keep in touch with my students after school closures as well . Pre_Covid 19 teachers are not like post _Covid 19 teachers who are equipped with new technology and skills to communicate with their students effectively. There is a great shift and transformation  in education and ways of teaching and learning. I hope to recover as soon as possible and go back to our normal life.

Je m'appelle Soukanda SALITHAVONG, enseignante de mathématiques au Lycée de Vientiane dans les Classes Bilingues, Laos
Pendant le 2
e vague de covid 19 qui arrive, ma vie a beacoup changé : je dois faire attention aux dépenses quotidiennes, je consacre plus de temps à ma famille en travaillant à la maison. Je donne des cours online et j'apprends de nouvelles méthodes d'enseignements. Je suis très fier de mon métier, mes collègues, élèves, parents d'élèves, et la direction du lycée déploient des efforts et de l'énergie pour continuer à dispenser des cours et aider les élèves à suivre le programme scolaire. J'espère que le taux d'infection du covid diminue et que nous puissions tous reprendre le chemin du lycée et enseigner nos matières de façon normal.

Marija Babović, prof. C-S, B, H jezika i književnosti, Montenegro
U jednom trenutku cio svijet je postao arena, a učionica poprište borbe. Strah od pandemije gonio me je da budem odvažna, kako privatno, tako i u učionici. 
Suzbiti djeci strah i vratiti im osmijeh- mislim da je to bio glavni i veliki zadatak svakog nastavnika, pa i moje malenkosti. Pandemija može sve zaustaviti, ali  ne smijemo dozvoliti da se školsko zvono ne čuje.
[At one point, the whole world became an arena and the classroom the scene of a struggle. The fear of a pandemic prompted me to be courageous, both in private and in the classroom.

Remove fear from children and make them smile again - I think that was the main and great task of every teacher, even my little ones. A pandemic can stop everything, but we must not stop the school bell ringing.]


Bonjour, je m'appelle Somvang Phanthachit, j'enseigne au lycée Santiphap de Louangprabang, Laos
Il y a COVID-19 au Laos, au lycée Santiphap enseigne Online pour aux élèves  ont appris être à la maison ( Ils ont regardé YouTube ou Facebook , au lycée Santiphap ). Après COVID-19 encore, professeur n'enseigne pas parce que Louagprabang Lockdown pour protéger pas diffuser et tout le monde à la maison.


Vientiane Secondary School, Soonthaly PHAIMANY, Lao
Covid-19 is very harmful to people's lives.

  • It's slowing the global economy.
  • Millions of people are sick and some of them are being killed.
  • All doctors and Covid-19 Rapid Respond Team work harder and they highly risk to be infected the disease.
  • Teachers and students have to have their online classes.
  • Teachers spend more time on their computers and work harder on using ICT to create their presentations.
  • It has also affected to the tourism industry, traditional, custom and so on.

In our New Normal Lives, we all have learnt to adapt our live style to live with them

Hello, my name is Manivone Phaxayavong, I am a teacher at Vientiane Secondary School. Lao Nowadays, The Covid 19 pandemic had affected my life, I cannot leave home without wearing a mask, and social distancing at all times. I am worrying a lot when I go outside to buy some food and drinks for my families, beside that it had affected my work too, the schools were closed, I have to work from home and learn how to use computer and prepare lessons to teach my students, it’s quite hard and big challenge for me to teach online. Covid 19 will stay with us for long time we have to fight with them and save ourselves


Thipaksone HOUNGHEUANG, Enseignante de Chimie, Lycée de Vientiane, Laos
En tant qu'enseignante de Chimie au Lycée de Vientiane, je rencontre beaucoup de difficultés dans mon travail pendant cette pandémie de COVID-19.  Comme vous le savez, les écoles sont fermées et nous sommes obligés d'avoir recours à l'enseignement en ligne depuis plusieurs mois, ce qui pose des problèmes et des inégalités notamment chez des élèves qui n'ont pas de smartphone, ni d'ordinateur, ni même de connexion internet. La situation devient vraiment difficile et stressante pour nous et les élèves, sans compter que nous devons aussi veiller à notre bonne santé.

Hello, my name is Choummaly SOULIYA, I'm a teacher at the Orphanage School, Luangprabang province, Lao
Nowadays Over the world is faced of the Covid 19, it effects to education, economic development and people's living. While the villages are locking down, it's so hard for our learning-teaching and take care of boarding students as my school, we can't teach by online because some students still at their hometown ( rural area ), although the situation are difficult, our teachers are taken turn to take care students at school and prepare our lesson at home for our teaching. 

Thidaphone PHENGBOUNPHET, LuangPrabang Teacher Training College, Laos
D'après moi la pandémie de Covid-19 a beaucoup de conséquences : sociales, économiques, financière, santé et sur l'éducation. Les fermetures d'établissements scolaires ont eu un impact très variable sur les étudiants, tous les cours en salle de classe ont été transférés en ligne. Nos étudiants peuvent donc continuer les cours à distance mais pas ceux qui habitent dans la lointaine campagne où il n'y a pas d'internet. C'est ainsi que tous ne disposent pas des mêmes opportunités, outils ou accès nécessaires pour poursuivre leur éducation.
Covid- 19 makes life very difficult to do anything, we have to safe all the time from many people and family, must wear the mask, don't go to somewhere that there are a lots of many people.
Covid-19 is very difficult for teaching normally we have to teach online at home that make students can't understand well.

I'm Bounkhong PHANSAVANG, a teacher and deputy principal at Phongkham Secondary School, Lao
The outbreak of Covid-19 at Phogkham Secondary School, Luang Prabang Capital, Luang Prabang Province, resulted in the schools being unable to open classes. Teaching online literacy in schools is discontinued as the spread of Covid-19 in the community continues to expand, etc…