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Quadrennial Periodic Report
Luxembourg 2020

Quadrennial Periodic Report - - 06/29/2020 - 15:53

General Information

Technical Information

Name of Party: 
Date of Ratification: 
Officially Designated Point of Contact of the Convention: 

QPR Stakeholder

Catherine Decker
Ministère de la Culture
4, boulevard Roosevelt
2450 Luxembourg
Phone Number: 
Describe the multi-stakeholder consultation process established for the preparation of this report, including consultations with relevant ministries, public institutions, local governments and civil society organizations.: 

Au regard des nombreuses mesures et ramifications qui touchent de près ou de loin aux objectifs de la Convention de 2005, le rapport a été établi en consultation avec les différents acteurs concernés.

Executive summary: 

Le Luxembourg étant un pays plurilingue et multiculturel, la promotion des objectifs de la "Convention sur la protection et la promotion de la diversité des expressions culturelles" est omniprésente parce qu’intrinsèque aux préoccupations et politiques en particulier culturelles.

En effet, la diversité culturelle est une réalité quotidienne au Luxembourg où, sur quelques 2586 km2, des citoyens de quelques 170 pays (env. 47,7% de la population sont d'origine non luxembourgeoise) se côtoient au travail, à l'école ou dans les domaines sociaux, culturels et sportifs. Promouvoir et mettre en œuvre la Convention de 2005 équivaut donc à affirmer la pluri-culturalité du pays tout en ancrant sa propre identité culturelle dans cette diversité enrichissante.

Ceci étant, la mise en œuvre de la Convention de 2005 s'oriente avant tout par rapport à la réalisation des objectifs fixés dans le programme gouvernemental, l'actuel datant de 2018. Celui-ci retient notamment que "l’intégration et l’inclusion socio-culturelle seront au coeur de l’action gouvernementale. Le Gouvernement augmentera ses efforts en faveur d’un vivre-ensemble harmonieux des différentes composantes de notre société par le biais d’une politique d’intégration et d’inclusion. Il promouvra la diversité culturelle tout comme notre patrimoine et nos traditions qui sont autant d’éléments constitutifs de notre identité."

Par ailleurs, le programme gouvernemental souligne que la politique culturelle poursuit une approche ambitieuse qui prend en compte le fait que la diversité des cultures, la liberté créatrice, les arts, les droits culturels, le respect du patrimoine culturel et naturel sont essentiels au développement du débat démocratique, d’une véritable ouverture d’esprit et des droits fondamentaux en général.

La diversité culturelle est un des atouts du Luxembourg et fait partie de son identité. Les activités culturelles aident les personnes issues de milieux différents à se rencontrer et à avoir un échange les uns avec les autres. Ainsi, la culture aide à construire des ponts à travers la société, à stimuler l’intégration et la cohésion sociale. Pour cette raison, les événements et les programmes interculturels qui contribuent au dialogue entre les différents membres de notre société, seront promus. Il sera e.a. veillé à ce que les institutions culturelles publiques dédient une partie de leur programme et de leurs ressources à des activités interculturelles.

Contact details of the stakeholders involved in the preparation of the quadrennial periodic report (QPR). Please also include the contact details of the civil society organizations (CSOs) if they have contributed to the QPR drafting, including through the CSO form.: 
Organization typeOrganizationEmailWebsite
Civil Society Organization (CSO)
Association des Artistes Plasticiens du Luxembourg

Goal 1 - Support Sustainable Systems of Governance for Culture

Cultural and Creative Sectors

A Ministry (or agency with ministerial status) is responsible for cultural and creative sectors: 
Regional, provincial or local governments or administrations have decentralised responsibilities for policies and measures promoting the cultural and creative sectors:: 
Regulatory frameworks and sector specific laws, policies and/or strategies supporting the cultural and creative industries have been revised or adopted during the last 4 years: 
If YES, has at least one of them been designed through interministerial cooperation (involving different government departments responsible for policy areas, such as communication, education, ICT, trade, foreign affairs, labor, finance): 
Specific education and training programmes in the arts and the cultural and creative sectors are established, including: 
Digital literacy programmes for creation and experimentation
Technical and vocational education and training programmes in
Cinema/Audiovisual arts
Performing arts
Visual arts
Tertiary and university education degrees in
Performing arts
Specific measures and programmes have been implemented over the last 4 years to: 
Support job creation in the cultural and creative sectors
Encourage the formalization and growth of micro/small and medium-sized cultural enterprises
Statistical offices or research bodies have produced data during the last 4 years: 
related to cultural and creative sectors
evaluating cultural policies
Please provide whenever possible disaggregated data by sector: 
1.7 milliard d’euros de production directe et une valeur ajoutée représentant 1.9% de la valeur ajoutée brute du Luxembourg en 2016
Please provide whenever possible disaggregated data by sector, age, sex and type of employment: 
L’emploi culturel est estimé à 16 500 travailleurs en 2016. Parmi ceux-ci, 15% sont des indépendants.
Total public budget for culture (in USD): 
Relevant Policies and Measures: 

Media Diversity

Public service media has a legal or statutory remit to promote a diversity of cultural expressions: 
Policies and measures promote content diversity in programming by supporting: 
Regional and/or local broadcasters
Linguistic diversity in media programming
Community programming for marginalised groups (e.g. indigenous peoples, migrants and refugees, etc.)
Socio-cultural programming (e.g. children, youth, people with disabilities, etc.)
Domestic content regulations for audio-visual media exist (e.g. quotas for production or distribution requirements for national films, TV series or music on radio): 
Regulatory authority(ies) monitoring media exist: 
If YES, please provide the name and year of establishment of the regulatory authority(ies): 
Autorité luxembourgeoise indépendante de l'audiovisuel
If YES, these regulatory authority(ies) monitor: 
Public media
Community media
Private sector media
Online media
If YES, these regulatory authority(ies) are responsible for: 
Issuing licenses to broadcasters, content providers, platforms
Receiving and addressing public complaints such as online harassment, fake news, hate speech, etc.
Monitoring diversity in media ownership (diversity of ownership structures, transparency of ownership rules, limits on ownership concentration, etc.)
Relevant Policies and Measures: 

Digital Environment

Policies, measures or mechanisms are in place to support the digital transformation of cultural and creative industries and institutions (e.g. funding for digitization of analogue industries): 
Policies or measures have been introduced to ensure vibrant domestic digital cultural and creative industries markets with a diversity of e-players of all sizes (e.g. fair remuneration rules; control market concentration; prevention of monopolies of digital content providers/distributors or their algorithms that potentially restrict the diversity of cultural expressions, etc.):: 
Policies and measures have been implemented to enhance access to and discoverability of domestically produced cultural content in the digital environment (e.g. action plans or policies for digital content pluralism, public support to cultural or artistic portals in specific languages, national or regional online distribution platforms for domestic content, etc.): 
Measures and initiatives have been implemented to promote digital creativity and competencies of artists and other cultural professionals working with new technologies (e.g. spaces for experimentation, incubators, etc.): 
Statistics or studies with recent data on access to digital media, including on the type of cultural content available through digital media, are available: 
Relevant Policies and Measures: 

Partnering with Civil Society

Professional organizations and/or trade unions representing artists and/or cultural professionals in the following sectors exist in your country (i.e. federation of musicians, publishers unions, etc.): 
Cinema/Audiovisual arts
Visual Arts
Performing Arts
Public funding schemes supporting CSOs involvement in promoting the diversity of cultural expressions exist: 
Training and mentoring opportunities were organized or supported by public authorities during the last 4 years to build skills on communication, advocacy and/or fundraising of civil society organizations involved in the promotion of the diversity of cultural expressions: 
Dialogue mechanisms between public authorities and CSOs for cultural policy making and/or monitoring have been implemented during the last 4 years (meetings, working groups, etc.): 
If YES, please provide up to 2 examples: 
Le Ministère de la Culture a institué un comité de pilotage endéans lequel sont représentés les fédérations et associations représentatives avec pour mission de développer l'avant-projet de loi portant création d'un conseil des arts.
Le Ministère de la Culture a signé sept nouvelles conventions avec des fédérations ou associations professionnelles du secteur culturel. Les sept fédérations ou associations professionnelles sont: - Actors.lu; - Association luxembourgeoise des professionnels du spectacle vivant (ASPRO); - Association des artistes plasticiens du Luxembourg (AAPL); - Fédération luxembourgeoise des arts de la scène (Theater Federatioun ou FLAS); - Fédération luxembourgeoise des auteurs et compositeurs (FLAC); - Lëtzebuerger Bicherediteuren; - Réseau luxembourgeois des centres culturels régionaux.
Policies and measures promoting the diversity of cultural expressions have been elaborated in consultation with CSOs during the last 4 years: 
Relevant Policies and Measures: 

Goal 2 - Achieve a Balanced Flow of Cultural Goods and Services and Increase the Mobility of Artists and Cultural Professionals

Mobility of Artists and Cultural Professionals

Please indicate if the following policies and measures exist in your country: 
Policies and measures supporting the outward mobility of artists and cultural professionals (e.g. export offices, support for participation in international cultural markets for cultural professionals, etc.)
Please indicate if the following operational programmes have been developed or supported/funded by public authorities during the last 4 years: 
Infrastructure (e.g. arts residencies, cultural institutes, etc.) having a mandate to promote the diversity of cultural expressions and hosting a large number of foreign artists, notably from developing countries
Please indicate if the following mobility funds (e.g. scholarships, travel grants, etc.) have been managed or supported by public authorities during the last 4 years: 
Public funds supporting the outward mobility of national or resident artists and other cultural professionals
Relevant Policies and Measures: 

Création en 2020 de Kultur:LX, le nouveau bureau d'export pour tous les secteurs culturels

Name of agency responsible for the implementation of the policy/measure: 
Cultural domains covered by the policy/measure: 
Media Arts
Performing Arts
Visual Arts
Describe the main features of the policy/measure: 
En date du jeudi 23 juillet 2020, le Conseil de gouvernement a approuvé la création et la nomination des membres de l'association sans but lucratif Kultur:LX. Le même jour cette association a été constituée par onze membres fondateurs du secteur de la Culture et de représentants de l'État en vue de la préfiguration de l'établissement public du même nom. Le Luxembourg s'est ainsi doté de sa propre structure de diffusion et de rayonnement de la culture luxembourgeoise au Grand-Duché et à l'étranger. Construisant sur de nombreux efforts et d'expériences dans ce domaine, l'association reprendra sous son toit les missions de music:LX, Reading Luxembourg, du Focuna ... et tant d'autres. L'idée est de rendre plus transparente, plus professionnelle et plus structurée l'aide au secteur culturel dans son ensemble. Kultur:LX aura e.a. pour tâches de soutenir des tournées et des expositions à l'étranger, de promouvoir des traductions littéraires et de diffuser la création dramaturgique, de renforcer la participation du Luxembourg à de grandes manifestations culturelles à l'étranger. Des programmes d'échanges et des résidences permettront d'entretenir des relations culturelles et le dialogue avec d'autres cultures. En amont de leur exportation, un accent particulier sera mis sur le développement de la carrière des artistes et des créatifs, ceci en collaboration avec les institutions culturelles du pays. Parmi les nouveautés, la possibilité de soutenir les industries créatives et l'allocation de bourses de longue durée sont prévues. L'association, et plus tard l'établissement public, veilleront à encourager la diversité des expressions culturelles, à identifier de nouveaux talents et à rester ouverts aux approches les plus variées pour mettre à l'honneur la créativité luxembourgeoise.
Does it specifically target young people?: 
Does the International Fund for Cultural Diversity (IFCD) support the implementation of the policy/measure?: 
Financial resources allocated to the policy/measure in USD: 

116,515.00 USD

Has the implementation of the policy/measure been evaluated?: 
Partner(s) engaged in the implementation of the measure: 
Type of entity: 
Public Sector

Flow of Cultural Goods and Services

Export strategies or measures to support the distribution of cultural goods and services outside your country exist for the following cultural domains: 
Cinema/Audiovisual arts
Visual Arts
Performing Arts
Your country has granted or benefited from preferential treatment* to support a balanced exchange of cultural goods and services in the last 4 years: 
If YES, please provide up to 2 examples: 
Your country has provided or benefited in the last 4 years from Aid for Trade support, a form of Official Development Assistance (ODA), that helped to build capacities to formulate trade policies, participate in negotiating and implementing agreements that provide a special status to cultural goods and services: 
If YES, please provide up to 2 examples: 
Relevant Policies and Measures: 

Treaties and agreements

Multilateral or bilateral trade and/or investment agreements providing a special status to cultural goods and/or services have been signed during the last 4 years or are under negociation: 
Multilateral or bilateral agreements including specific provisions providing a special status to cultural goods and services and digital products in the field of e-commerce have been signed during the last 4 years or are under negotiation: 
Multilateral or bilateral agreements, declarations and/or strategies on relevant policy issues for the diversity of cultural expressions (e.g. education, digital, intellectual property, sustainable development, gender equality, etc.) signed or amended to take into account the objectives or principles of the Convention during the last 4 years: 
Relevant Policies and Measures: 

Goal 3 - Integrate Culture in Sustainable Development Frameworks

National Sustainable Development Policies & Plans

National sustainable development plans and strategies recognize the strategic role of: 
Culture (in general)
Creativity and innovation
Cultural and creative industries
Please rate from 1 to 4 the type of outcomes expected by the inclusion of culture in national sustainable development plans and strategies 1 most often expected outcome 4 least expected outcome): 
Economic (e.g. employment, trade, intellectual property, cultural and creative industries, rural and territorial development): 
Social (e.g. social cohesion and inclusion, inequality and poverty reduction, values and identity, vulnerable and minority groups, empowerment and human capital, education): 
Environmental (e.g. natural resources, reducing environmental impact of cultural industries and practices): 
Cultural (e.g. cultural infrastructure, participation and access to culture, innovation, artists support): 
Public cultural bodies and agencies responsible for culture or creative industries are involved in the design and implementation of sustainable development policies and plans (i.e. participate in coordination mechanisms such as joint planning committees): 
Cultural industry-led regeneration initiatives and projects at the regional, urban and/or rural levels have been implemented in the last 4 years: 
Policies and measures facilitate participation in cultural life and access to diverse cultural facilities and expressions, notably addressing the needs of disadvantaged or vulnerable groups (e.g. via reduced entrance fees; audience development, arts education and audiences awareness-raising): 
Relevant Policies and Measures: 

International Cooperation for Sustainable Development

Your country has contributed to or benefited from the International Fund for Cultural Diversity (IFCD) during the last 4 years: 
YES, my country has contributed to the IFCD
Development cooperation strategies, including South-South cooperation strategies, recognize the strategic role of creativity and diverse cultural expressions: 
If YES, please provide the name(s) of the strategy and year(s) of adoption: 
Your country manages multi- and/or bilateral technical assistance and capacity building cooperation programmes supporting: 
Cultural policy development and implementation in developing countries
Medium, small or micro-enterprise development of creative industries and markets in developing countries
Relevant Policies and Measures: 

Goal 4 - Promote Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms

Gender Equality

Ministries, governmental agencies and/or parliamentary bodies in charge of gender equality: 
Exist and are relevant for artists and cultural professionals
Policies and measures to support the full participation of women in cultural life have been implemented during the last 4 years: 
Policies and measures have been adopted to support the recognition and advancement of women as artists, cultural professionals and/or creative entrepreneurs, (e.g. ensure equal pay for equal work or equal access to funding, coaching or mentoring schemes, anti-discrimination measures, etc.): 
Data is regularly collected and disseminated to monitor: 
Gender equality in the culture and media sectors
Participation of women in cultural life
Relevant Policies and Measures: 

Artistic Freedom

The constitution and/or national regulatory frameworks formally acknowledge: 
Independent bodies are established to receive complaints and/or monitor violations and restrictions to artistic freedom: 
Initiatives to protect artists at risk or in exile have been developed or supported by public authorities during the last 4 years (e.g. providing safe houses, guidance and training, etc.): 
Measures and initiatives intended to ensure transparent decision-making on government funding/ state grants and awards for artists exist (e.g. through independent committees, etc.): 
Social protection measures that take the professional status of artists into account have been adopted or revised in the last 4 years (e.g. health insurance, retirement schemes, unemployment benefits, etc.): 
Economic measures that take the status of artists into account have been adopted or revised in the last 4 years (e.g. collective agreements, income tax and other regulatory frameworks, etc.): 
Relevant Policies and Measures: 

Measures and Initiatives reported by Civil Society Organizations

Describe how the CSO form has been used to promote collaboration with CSOs in the preparation of this report, including the distribution of the form and the modalities of collection and analysis of the information received. Please indicate the percentage of measures and initiatives received that have been considered as relevant by the Party and included in the QPR.: 
GOAL 1 - Support sustainable systems of governance for culture: 
GOAL 2 - Achieve a balanced flow of cultural goods and services and increase the mobility of artists and cultural professionals: 
GOAL 3 - Integrate culture in sustainable development frameworks: 
GOAL 4 - Promote human rights and fundamental freedoms: 
On the basis of the analysis of the responses provided through the CSO form, present up to ten main priorities of CSOs to implement the Convention over the next four years.: 

Emerging Transversal Issues

Relevant Policies and Measures: 

Challenges and Achievements

Describe the main results achieved to implement the Convention (at least one major achievement in one of the four goals): 
Les objectifs de la convention correspondent largement aux politiques culturelles encouragées et mises en oeuvre au niveau national.
Describe the main challenges encountered to implement the Convention and the main solutions found or envisaged to overcome them: 
La sensibilisation au texte de la convention mériterait d'être développée.
Describe the steps planned in the next four years to further implement the Convention and the priority areas identified for future policy action based on the conclusions of the current reporting process: 
Dans les années à venir, des formations sont à prévoir avec la société civile, pour mieux faire connaître la convention.


Please upload relevant documents (law, policy, agreement, regulation, strategy, etc.), studies and statistics in PDF format related to the implementation of the 4 goals and the 11 areas of monitoring of the Convention in your country. The documents should have been produced during the reporting period covered by this periodic report. Please provide the title and a description of the main content of the document in English or French.: 


Designated official signing the report: 
First name: 
Family name: 
Ministère de la Culture
Date of submission: 
Electronic Signature: