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Building peace in the minds of men and women

Press Freedom on All Platforms

As the UN agency with a specific mandate to foster freedom of expression, and its corollaries, press freedom and freedom of information, UNESCO sees these rights as crucial foundations of democracy, development and dialogue, and as preconditions for protecting and promoting all other human rights.

UNESCO facilitates multi-stakeholder dialogue and mobilises advisory services toward legal and regulatory environments conducive to freedom of expression. Our actions seek to develop, in accordance with international standards, press laws, freedom of information legislation and a framework enabling freedom of expression on the Internet.

Advancing press freedom across all types of media includes monitoring, sensitization and advocacy efforts, such as the annual celebration World Press Freedom Day on 3 May and the awarding of the UNESCO/Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize. In addition, the Organization also contributes to strengthening professional standards through capacity-building and self-regulation mechanisms (such as codes of ethics, press councils and in-house news ombuds).

In all this, UNESCO follows a gender-sensitive approach, and pays special attention to countries undergoing conflict, post-conflict, and transition situations.