TCG Meetings


Regional Meetings

The meetings have for purpose to inform about UNESCO support to countries in the current context, to share the latest TCG developments with an emphasis on indicators that could better support the design of relevant policies, and to provide a platform for countries to share their current data production challenges, needs and new data required to face the effects of the pandemic more effectively.


TCG Meetings

The UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) is pleased to announce a global virtual meeting, to bring together all TCG Member States and organizations and to support all in the implementation of the SDG 4 Thematic Indicator Framework as we all face the COVID-19 pandemic.


Sixth Meeting of the TCG

29-30 August 2019
Yerevan, Armenia

In light of the revision of the Global indicators list in 2020, the TCG 6 will focus on: discussion about additional indicators; topics related to indicator development, reporting and benchmarking processes; challenges and obstacles that countries face in producing and reporting on SDG 4 indicators.


Fifth Meeting of the TCG

15-16 November 2018 
Mexico City, Mexico

TCG 5 meeting focused on topics related to indicator development, reporting, and benchmarking processes, as well as challenges and obstacles countries face in producing and reporting on SDG 4 indicators.


Fourth Meeting of the TCG

16-18 January 2018 
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

TCG 4 meeting aims to provide an opportunity for participants to be briefed on key developments that have occurred since TCG 3 towards the implementation of the SDG 4 Agenda, and to issues related to the TCG key mechanisms and outputs.


Third Meeting of the TCG

31 May -2 June 2017 
Montreal, Canada

The TCG was updated on the latest developments of the Global Alliance to Monitor Learning (GAML). With GAML leading the development of learning-related indicators, the TCG can focus on the remaining issues related to indicator development, capacity development and country reporting.


Second Meeting of the TCG

26 - 28 October 2016 
Madrid, Spain

The TCG discussed and agreed on a core set of 31 indicators for reporting and monitoring SDG 4 in 2017. The Group discussed the results of two open consultations on the indicators that were launched by the UIS as the Secretariat. This meeting also established three TCG working groups to address the following issues: indicator development, capacity development and country reporting.


First Meeting of the TCG

12 - 13 May 2016
Washington DC, USA

This meeting focused on three critical areas: the context and processes for global and thematic monitoring; modifying the thematic indicator framework based on the revised IAEG-SDGs global indicator proposal; and establishing priorities needed further
development and next steps.



The UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) presents a webinar on June 29 2020 to look closely at the two (out of five) thematic indicators approved for SDG 4.7 monitoring - 4.7.4 (global citizenship) and 4.7.5 (environmental science). In addition, we will review a new proposed indicator on breadth of skills.

Read more about it...

The UIS is organizing a webinar in 10 June 2020 to share details with GAML members on its progress in the past year in advancing the measurement for SDG 4 Indicator 4.1.1 (Proportion of children and young people: (a) in grades 2/3, (b) at the end of primary, and (c) in lower secondary achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in (i) reading and (ii) mathematics, by sex).

The webinar also aims to create global public goods to support countries as they seek to reach the goal of universal literacy and numeracy. Specifically, the UIS will share details of its progress on the creation, the piloting, and the use of the Global Proficiency Framework (GPF) and Policy Linking.

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