Learning assessments represent a powerful tool to improve learning outcomes. This page presents a repository of the most widespread learning assessments programs with special focus on their potential ability to monitor Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 progress. The information is based on a mapping of cognitive and non-cognitive questionnaires against SDG 4 indicators and it is organized by listing all assessments with questions that could report against each specific indicator. The “i” icon on the right-hand side shows the question being asked in the assessment with reference to the sourced questionnaire. The presentation summarizes the conclusions.
This is an important tool; it shows the potential that lies in learning assessments and it also provides suggestions for other learning assessment initiatives.
EGMA | Early Grade Mathematics Assessment |
EGRA | Early Grade Reading Assessment |
EAP ECD Scales | East Asia-Pacific Early Child Development Scales |
EDI (Offord Center) | Early Development Instrument |
EHCI | Ethics in Health Care Survey Instrument |
ICCS | International Civic and Citizenship Study |
ICILS | International Computer and Information Literacy Study |
IDELA | International Development & Early Learning Assessment |
ITU | International Telecommunication Union |
MELQO | Measuring Early Learning. Quality and Outcomes |
MICS | Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys |
PAL Network | People's Action for Learning Network |
PASEC | CONFEMEN Programme for the Analysis of Education Systems |
PIAAC | Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies |
PIRLS | Progress in International Reading Literacy Study |
PISA | Programme for International Student Assessment |
SACMEQ | The Southern and Eastern Africa Consortium for Monitoring Educational Quality |
STEP | Skills Towards Employability and Productivity |
TERCE | Third Regional Comparative and Explanatory Study |
TIMSS | Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study |
Mapping of Indicators to Assessments