Newly published!
Pandemic-related disruptions to schooling and impacts on learning proficiency indicators: A focus on the early grades (March 2021)
- Tool for projecting the attainment of SDG 4.1.1 (Excel), intended to produce sufficiently reliable scenarios for world regions, and the world.
Key documents
- GAML Concept Note
- GAML Theory of Change
- GAML Result Framework
- GAML Governance Structure
- List of Global and Thematic Indicators for SDG 4–Education 2030
- SDG 4–Education 2030 Indicators Metadata - see TCG webpage to access SDG 4 Metadata documents
- Evidence-based Projections and Benchmarks for SDG Indicator 4.1.1
- Quick Guide No. 2: Making the Case for a Learning Assessment
- Quick Guide No. 3: Implementing a National Learning Assessment
- SDG 4 Data Digest 2017 – The Quality Factor: Strengthening National Data to Monitor Sustainable Development Goal 4
- SDG 4 Data Digest 2016 – Laying the Foundation to Measure Sustainable Development Goal 4
- A Global Framework of Reference on Digital Literacy Skills for Indicator 4.4.2
- IEA’s Rosetta Stone Proposal
- Learning Assessment Capacity Index
- Database of the Catalogue of Learning Assessments
- Catalogue of Learning Assessments
- UNESCO eAtlas for Education 2030
- SDG-Education 2030 Steering Committee (SC)
- Technical Cooperation Group for SDG 4–Education 2030 Indicators (TCG)
- How Fast Can Levels of Proficiency Improve?
- Exploring Commonalities and Differences of Regional and International Assessments
- UIS Reporting Scales
- Mind the Gap: Proposal for a Standardised Measure for SDG 4 – Education 2030 Agenda
- Costs and Benefits of Different Approaches to Measuring the Learning Proficiency of Students
- Minimum Proficiency Levels (MPLs): Outcomes of the Consensus Building Meeting
- Global Framework of Reference on Digital Literacy Skills for SDG Indicator 4.4.2
- Assessment Tools for Monitoring Digital Literacy within the Global Framework of Reference on Digital Literacy Skills
- Functional Literacy and Numeracy: Definitions and Options for Measurement of SDG 4.6
- Form Follows Function: A Global Framework for Assessing and Reporting Literacy
- Developing a Monitoring Scheme for Adult Numeracy as Part of SDG Indicator 4.6.1
- Measuring Indicator 4.6.1 – Options paper
- Defining Literacy
- A Global Framework for Assessing and Reporting Literacy
- Monitoring Adult Literacy for Indicator 4.6.1
- Monitoring Adult Numeracy for Indicator 4.6.1
- Self-Report, Indirect and Simple Direct Assessment Tools for Reporting
- GAML Taskforce 4.6: Progress Report 2018
- Overview TIMSS 2019 Science Framework: Grade 8
- TIMSS 2011 8th Grade Science Concepts
- TIMSS 2015 Items for 8th Grade Science
- TIMSS 2019 8th Grade Science Content Domains
- eTIMSS 2019 Brochure
- Using TIMSS Science for the Measurement of Indicator 4.7.5