CapEFA Annual Progress Report 2015

1 March, 2016

The Capacity Development for Education for All (CapEFA) Programme, launched in 2003, has contributed to strengthening national capacities of selected countries to achieve the EFA goals in a sustainable manner. Until 2015, the programme has raised fund and continuously provided technical assistance to participating countries in four thematic areas: sector-wide policy and planning (SWPP), literacy, teachers, and technical and vocational education and training (TVET). The CapEFA Programme was implemented in 28 priority countries in 2015.

Through the UNESCO family approach, UNESCO-IICBA provided technical backstopping for seven African countries implementing the component of teachers in 2015: Burkina Faso, Burundi, Guinea, Lesotho, Mali, Niger, and Uganda. IICBA contributes to the teachers section through providing trainings at various levels from the teacher education institutions to the Ministries.

The newly launched CapEFA Annual Progress Report 2015 reviews the achievements and other related issues of the programme during the period from 1 January to 31 December 2015.

Please Click here to download the Report (pdf)