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International Bureau of Education
Tel.: +41.22.555.06.00
Fax: +41.22.555.06.46

Content Section

Capacity development

Substantial curriculum investments must yield regenerative and sustainable results. This means over time countries must be able to strengthen their own curriculum development capabilities. Acknowledging this, the IBE provides enabling support through knowledge-sharing, skills transfer, policy and technical advice, and professional development courses, among other strategies.


The IBE is a crucial partner as countries strive toward strengthening their education quality and access to lifelong learning opportunities for all. Our enabling support involves working with countries to design and deliver effective curricula as well as to recognize and address the critical impediments within their education systems that might undermine the effectiveness of their curricula. Additionally, we provide support to countries to develop and implement responsive interventions to counter critical impediments and collaborate to monitor and evaluate long-term progress.

In this capacity development partnership the IBE has several key roles. We facilitate knowledge-sharing and skills transfer through strengthened cooperation between and within regions and countries. This broadens the field of long-term opportunities for discussing common concerns and for sharing novel ideas and practices with regard to quality curriculum innovation and reform processes.

At the request of UNESCO Member States involved in curriculum reform and development processes, we provide technical support and policy advice that is contextualized to their needs. Here, critical impediments are identified and we provide support to development and implementation of responsive interventions as well as monitoring and evaluation efforts.

In order to ensure the sustainability of educational improvement efforts, we provide training to interested parties to enhance their professional capacities. This is done in partnership with accrediting academic institutions. We also produce training materials and learning tools for capacity development, targeting the specific competences that curriculum developers and decision-makers need in order to successfully cope with emerging needs and challenges.