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International Bureau of Education
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Content Section

Terms of use and privacy policy


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Terms of use

Authorizing the use of the name, acronym and/or logo of UNESCO is the prerogative of the General Conference and the Executive Board. In specific cases as set out by the Directives, the governing bodies empower, by delegation, the Director-General and the National Commissions for UNESCO to authorize such use to other bodies. The power to authorize the use of the name, acronym, logo and/or Internet domain names of UNESCO may not be granted to other bodies.

Any decision authorizing the use of the name, acronym, logo and/or domain names of UNESCO shall be based on the following criteria:

  • relevance of the proposed association to the Organization’s strategic objectives and programme;
  • compliance with the values, principles and constitutional aims of UNESCO.

The use of the name, acronym, logo and/or domain name must be expressly authorized in advance and in writing, and must comply with the specified onditions and procedures, in particular with respect to its visual presentation, duration and scope.


Privacy policy

UNESCO is committed to protecting individual privacy and securing the personal information made available to us when you visit unesco.org, as well UNESCO pages on other sites (such as official UNESCO profiles on social networks).

This privacy policy describes what information is made available to the UNESCO and third parties when you visit unesco.org or official UNESCO pages on other sites, and how the UNESCO uses and stores that information.

Information received and stored by UNESCO when you visit unesco.org

By accessing the UNESCO website, certain information, such as Internet protocol (IP) addresses, navigation behaviour through the website, the software used and the time spent, along with other similar information, will be stored on UNESCO servers. These will not specifically identify you. The information will be used internally only for website traffic analysis.
If you provide unique identifying information, such as name, email address, postal address and other information on forms stored on this website, such information will be used only for statistical purposes and will not be published for general access nor disclosed or sold to third parties. UNESCO, however, assumes no responsibility for the security of this information.