New Call for Papers for the next issue of ESS Journal (Vol. 34, Nº2/2022)


ESS of UNESCO IESALC opens its call for papers for Issue 2 of Volume 34 which will include the thematic Dossier, entitled: "Democratization and policies of inclusion of diversity in Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean". Articles presenting research results related to this important topic will be accepted until March 31, 2022.

Papers are expected that, with a focus on democratization and inclusion policies at the higher education level, recover research works on normative conditions and strategies for the generation of information for the attention to diversity, innovative experiences in academic management and development, strategies to avoid dropout/encourage graduation, or studies, trends and state of the art on the topic in question. Papers may refer to the regional, sub-regional or national level.

The Dossier will be organized by Dr. Sylvie Didou Aupetit (DIE/CINVESTAV, Mexico) and Dr. Adriana Chiroleu (UNRosario, Argentina) as Guest Editors.

All articles received will be submitted to anonymous external peer review (double blind).

We invite submissions through the platform of the Journal Educación Superior y Sociedad (ESS). The closing date for submissions is March 31, 2022.