Higher education, pandemic and work: ruptures and continuities

Keywords: Higher Education; Pandemic; Work; Capitalism.


Currently, some challenges are confronting our collective capacities to deal with drastic disruptions in our space-time experiences. If we focus on problems related to higher education, especially in Brazil, the pandemic challenges the very existence of the university and related institutions - as we know them, at least; from the advance of neoliberal ideology to the establishment of the pandemic of the new coronavirus, conflicts and contradictions that ensue lead us to inquire about what would be structural changes or momentary adaptations in such a context. Thus, in this article, we seek to raise some questions about the reality of higher education and the emergence of the pandemic, replacing possibilities of meaning that are at risk of being made invisible in the face of a health crisis that reverberates other crises and that continues to take lives around the world.

Author Biographies

Rusvênia Silva, Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG), Brasil

Professora Associada da UFG, exerce atividades de ensino, pesquisa e extensão. Compõe o corpo docente do IESA trabalha como professora da área de Geografia Humana, em níveis de graduação e pós graduação. Coordena o VEREDAS, grupo vinculado ao LAGICRIARTE - Laboratório de Geografia, Imaginário, Criatividade e Arte.

Daniel Santos da Silva, Universidade Estadual do Paraná( UNESPAR), Brasil

Professor de gradução e pós-graduação do curso de Filosofia da UNESPAR. Graduado e mestre em Filosofia pela Universidade Estadual do Ceará; com doutorado e pós-doc pela USP. Autor de vários livros e ensaios. Escreve periodicamente na HH Magazine. Correo electrónico: danidani_ss@yahoo.com.br



How to Cite
Silva, R., & Santos da Silva, D. (2021). Higher education, pandemic and work: ruptures and continuities. Revista Educación Superior Y Sociedad (ESS), 33(2), 31-52. https://doi.org/10.54674/ess.v33i2.461