Higher education, indigenous peoples and Afro-descendants. A reading about affirmative actions in Brazil and university ethno-education in Colombia

Keywords: Affirmative Actions; Higher Education; Indigenous Peoples; Afro-descendant Peoples; Recognition.



At the end of the 20th century, the issue of cultural diversity and education gained relevance in many areas of the Colombian university life. Programs, research groups and even undergraduate programs emerged to address the issues of interculturality, cultural difference, and educational inclusion. Indigenous university students and from Afro-descendant communities (black), now recognized as “ethnic groups” (GE), were received in some higher education institutions (IES) at the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st, under the differential approach. Currently, higher education policies in the continent have very important experiences in different countries. This article seeks to address two relevant experiences in the case of Brazil and Colombia. The first scenario deals with affirmative actions and university openings for black peoples in the country with the largest Afro-descendant population in Latin America. In the second scenario, university ethno-education is analysed as a process that covers teacher training from a model of cultural control and access for indigenous and Afro-Colombian students. In this article we want to offer a reading on the impacts and lessons learned in Brazil and Colombia as experiences of transformation of the Latin American university.

Author Biographies

Elizabeth Castillo Guzmán, Universidad del Cauca (UNICAUCA), Colombia

Profesora titular del Programa de Etnoeducación y coordinadora del Centro de Memorias Étnicas de la Universidad del Cauca, Colombia. Investigadora social en el ámbito de la historia de las Otras educaciones, formación docente intercultural, el racismo escolar y la interculturalidad. 

Anny Ocoró Loango, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (Conicet) y Universidad Tres de Febrero (UNTREF), Argentina

Doctora en Ciencias Sociales y Master en Ciencias Sociales con Orientación en Educación de la FLACSO – Argentina. Investigadora de CONICET y docente de FLACSO, Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero y Universidad Nacional Pedagógica Nacional. Miembro de la Cátedra UNESCO.

Correo electrónico: annyocoroloango@gmail.com

How to Cite
Castillo Guzmán, E., & Ocoró Loango, A. (2021). Higher education, indigenous peoples and Afro-descendants. A reading about affirmative actions in Brazil and university ethno-education in Colombia. Revista Educación Superior Y Sociedad (ESS), 33(2), 767-792. https://doi.org/10.54674/ess.v33i2.359