In every country, our youth members are organized in 3 national working groups, each working on a specific axis of the NET-MED Youth project: Youth Public Policies, Youth and Media, Youth and Employment.


In brief, this is how we do things...



1. Youth Organizations Mapping

Our youth members take it into their own hands to develop a comprehensive, online and regional directory of youth organizations. For each country where NET-MED Youth operates, the directories identify and include all relevant information about registered youth organizations: profiles, areas of work, emerging skills, experience, opportunities, challenges, sources of funding, and more.



2. Youth Policy

NET-MED Youth builds the capacities of young women and men in order to empower them to participate in revising national legislation on youth, to advocate for the development of national youth strategies and policies and to lobby for the sound implementation of these.


We support the role of youth organizations as monitoring entities that work towards improving the design, implementation and evaluation mechanisms (access, effectiveness, efficiency and equity) of policies, strategies and programmes addressing youth skill development needs and labor market transitions. For this, we foster the emergence - in each of the countries we work in - of independent, structured and active youth-led organizations, by equipping them with skills, knowledge and tools facilitating their public participation.



3. Youth and Media

NET-MED Youth has developed different activities to monitor youth representation in media and survey youth opinion about it. We carry out outreach actions fostering youth-friendly, inclusive, objective and fair media coverage; trainings and resource dissemination to promote freedom of expression, media and information literacy, and youth-generated media content; and capacity building programs for young journalists, bloggers and citizen journalists.



4. Youth and Employment

NET-MED Youth works towards increasing youth’s participation and role in national dialogue on current and future challenges with unemployment and skills needs. Together with employment experts, national stakeholders and youth organizations, we analyze the employment barriers and assess the skills needed for the future. We produce reports on the labor market, youth transition and data availability. We develop tools for skills anticipation, and we are currently setting up National Teams in each country, to monitor and discuss the results achieved with institutional stakeholders. Our workshops empower youth to voice their concerns about skills and employment, and we carry out advocacy campaigns so businesses can be youth-friendly.


In the field

Youth and Media


Activities building skills among youth organizations and young journalists; to enhance youth representation in media and promote freedom of expression, media and information literacy and youth-generated media content.

Youth and Employment


Activities joining youth organizations, employment experts and different national stakeholders to engage in dialogue and work together on unemployment solutions and skills needs. 

Youth Policies


Activities empowering youth to participate in the communal and national development, revision and implementation of national youth strategies and public policies.