Video lessons on health education for schools of Kyrgyzstan

In agreement with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, the UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education (IITE), together with leading national experts on health education, prepared a series of video lessons for compulsory classes on healthy lifestyle in grades 6-11.

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic in Instructional and Methodological Letter No. 03-2/1943 from 06/04/2021 on strengthening educational work in order to shape a healthy image among students of educational organizations informs the heads of public educational organizations and education authorities about the need to regularly conduct health education classes in full-time and/or remote format using the methodological guide “Conceptualizing health education classes for students in grades 6-11” and the video lessons.

The Instructional and Methodological Letter is available here.

The methodological guide “Conceptualizing health education classes for students in grades 6-11” in Kyrgyz and Russian can be downloaded via the links below:

Guide in Russian

Guide in Kyrgyz

The manual for teachers on using video lessons for health education classes in grades 6-11 can be downloaded via the links below.

Manual in Russian

Manual in Kyrgyz

Publication year: 2021
